Wednesday, April 25, 2012

PPSIMMONS Shut Down by Youtube - Moves Operations to Facebook

"404 not found". That sentence will be in the tab of your browser whenever you try to go to the mega-popular Christian apologetic and American patriotic channel on youtube called "PPSIMMONS". The Reason? -

This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright infringement.

Anyone who follows the PPSIMMONS material knows this is simply not true. Moderator and spokesman Mike Shoesmith, author of two of the PPSIMMONS resource books and frequent contributor to the channel content said in an interview that they are trying to reach youtube to have a dialogue on the matter. He also said they are moving operations to their popular facebook page.

"We are shocked by this - truly shocked" Mr. Shoesmith said. "We were placed on notice by youtube and put on six month probation for a Trayvon Martin video but we appealed it and youtube said they were wrong and placed our account back in good standing. A week later they shut us down completely without any warning".

Mr Shoesmith also said they have a popular facebook page and have been slowly moving video content over there. "Our facebook fans are the best and we appreciate their support. We have streaming news coverage and live interaction with members. It's a really great venue" Shoesmith said. "If youtube doesn't honor our requests for reinstatement then facebook will be a solid alternative".

The PPSIMMONS youtube channel has been under constant assault by youtube atheists for its content exposing the fraudulent aspects of the promotion of the theory of evolution - the major supporting theory under-girding the philosophy of modern atheism. With this in mind there is good reason to believe the channel was the victim of a flagging campaign against it. We hope that Google, the owner of, will see the reality of this and reinstate the channel.

Pastor Carl Gallups, a major contributor to the channel content and author of "The Magic Man in the Sky" by WND Books, has his own fledgling youtube channel and much of the PPSIMMONS content will be moved there also.


  1. PPSimmons say everything in a courteous right manner in biblical and contextual way.

    I think Youtube should validate the authenticity of those claiming otherwise, or those who hate truth

  2. This is truly sad and so hypocritical of YouTube/Google!!

  3. Even though you guys BLOCKED me and I disagree with your doctrinal teachings, I am sad and disturbed by this development. I did a video in solidarity for you guys...and I hope YouTube will restore you. It is a frightening thing when information is consolidated and thus, easily censored. What was done to you is not right, unjust and only the beginning. You guys think I am your enemy...but you are not mine. I disagree with you, but you have the RIGHT to speak and teach. Check out my YouTube video if you like -

  4. Is there an appeal process? Perhaps a new channel under a different name. I look forward to your updates and alerts!

  5. I think it has to do with your all the Obama Fraud videos. A few weeks ago a youtube video called "Selective Service" from TeaPartyPowerHour was made "Private" - I notified the channel and they got it fixed in about a week. Don't know what happened there, but it had over 230,000 views at the time it was made private.
