Wednesday, April 25, 2012

US Department of State Deputy Secretary William J. Burns Contacts Terry Jones as DEADLINE Looms

At 6:30pm last evening, April 24th, Dr Terry Jones received a phone call from US Department of State Deputy Secretary William J. Burns.

Terry Jones' response to Burns was:

 In order for us to consider postponing our April 28th event, the World Wide Burning of Korans and Images of Mohammad, we are asking for one of two events to occur.
One would be the immediate release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iranian Prison.
The other would be a meeting between US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Dr Terry Jones to discuss the plight of Christians, women and minorities in Muslim/Koran dominated countries. After the meeting with Mrs Clinton they would give a joint Press Conference revealing the content of the discussion.
Here is video footage of Jones in from of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn Mi where PPSIMMONS sent a camera crew to capture the event.

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