Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Goods as Rights? The Enslavement of a Nation by Neil Mammen

The Declaration of Independence says we have rights. But what is a right? Is it what FDR thought it was? He tried to create a second bill of rights that included things like the right to healthcare, a home and a good paying job. But are those rights? He and most people confuse “rights” with “goods.” It’s critical to differentiate the two. Here’s an easy way to look at it: If a ‘right’ depends on someone else’s service, work, or money, it’s not a right, it’s goods, and it’s certainly not a God given Right.

So what about healthcare? Well it’s the product of someone’s labor, isn’t it? And while you may have the right to not be prevented from getting healthcare, you don’t have an entitlement to free healthcare. Why? Because that healthcare is dependent on someone else providing the labor, like doctors. Should you force them to do that?

Notice the difference, the right to bear arms does not mean you are entitled to a free firearm. The right to free speech does not mean you are entitled to a free printing press or radio station and the right to own a home does not mean you are entitled to a home. I hope you see the great difference. This is critical, anytime you vote on something, ask yourself, “Is this law acknowledging a true right or is it mandating goods that are a result of someone else’s hard work?”

Interestingly enough the constitutions that have a bill of rights with education, jobs, healthcare and homes and other such “goods” are all communist and socialist constitutions.

And we all know how successful they’ve been. Why? Because goods that are granted as rights, require some men to be forced to provide those goods to others and will most likely result in a bankrupt state or a totalitarian state.

A nation that assigns goods as rights will have to enslave people to ensure an ample supply of those goods that they’ve promised as rights.

So let me ask you this, where do you think our nation is headed?

Neil Mammen is the author of the book Jesus Is Involved In Politics! Why aren’t you? Why isn’t your Church?  Go to www.JesusIsInvolvedInPolitics.com get the book and study guide and join us in the battle to educate your friends by starting a small group study.

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