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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
When Christians Attack! A Portrait of an Apostate
It was well known that Carl Gallups' new book "The Magic Man in the Sky" was going to draw some negative reactions from the secular community. To be sure we've only seen the beginning of that onslaught. It was to be expected, of course, since they are the primary target of the book. The name itself is indicative of the author's intended audience - the atheists.
But it was difficult to imagine the level of vitriol we would experience from the "Christian" community; the extent of which is simply astounding.
Carl Gallups, one of the founders and major contributors to the popular PPSIMMONS Youtube channel which has spread to many other areas online thanks to the recent controversial closing of the channel by Google followed by the reopening thanks to major news outlets picking up the story, has written an outreach to those with an atheist world view. If "Christians" should be able to unite on any topic, this should be it. But alas, those with a "beef" against one PPSIMMONS teaching or another have found their way to the Amazon book site to trash the work of Gallups. One such person hides behind the username "TrustinJC".
He bought the book and wrote a review on the Amazon review page. It was entirely negative. The book is an outreach to the atheist community and this supposed "brother in the Lord" had nothing positive to write about it.
Since the review sections of Amazon double as discussion pages several people engaged this TrustinJC person. He refused to relent. Mike Shoesmith, Social Networking Director for the PPSIMMONS Ministry, got involved and gave the person several opportunities to do the right thing, to no avail. There were two points of conflict in the review. The first was that Gallups had failed to disprove the theory of evolution. The second was that Gallups was promoting the "Once Saved Always Saved" doctrine clearly taught in scripture. Forget the book's other mountains of information which sought to directly reach out to the atheist mind set - this "fellow believer" had nothing good to say.
So we were able to find this person's youtube channel - and what a revelation it was. TrustinJC was an avid evolutionist and staunch legalist. The reason he saw nothing good in "The Magic Man in the Sky" was due to the fact that he had borrowed so much FROM the atheists. In fact the phrase "Christian in name only" would be a perfect description of TrustinJc.
So once again we observed as friends of PPSIMMONS, including Mike Shoesmith under his personal youtube channel prosperousindividual, engaged in conversation with this person - a mission of discovery and fact-finding. We discovered some disturbing trends associated with him.
Firstly we deduced a social dysfunction. He didn't seem at all concerned that he was doing damage to another brother. He saw it as his personal mission from God to expose people he perceived to be false teachers no matter the venue. At first it seemed he may be suffering from aspergers syndrome, a form of low-end autism which is clearly though sometimes not immediately perceptible. As conversations deepened, however, it became more obvious that he was probably not as intellectually advanced as many with the aspergers affliction. In other words he seemed to be nothing more than a simplton looking for affirmation, lashing out at others who oppose that comfortable place he has built in his mind.
People like boundaries. They like to have things all figured out and resist challenges to the dogmas which form that safety zone for them. Sometimes, as is the case with all fanatics who won't rest until everyone agrees with them, they lash out at the opposition. It's no different than the militant homosexual movement really, who won't be satisfied until all levels of society are in agreement with their lifestyle. They even come to Christian venues and throw around words like "homophobe", bigot", etc.
And now it seems the legalists are on board with the same tactics. They separate themselves from other believers in their minds with scathing accusations of "leading people into destruction" and what not. They, like the other militant extremists, find no solace in simply promoting their message and becoming a person who has "Good News" for the world. It becomes an obsession for them to tear others down.
But let's leave the deeper psycho-analysing to the experts and focus on what we know to be true here. We were able to glean a few facts about TrustinJC which reveal the portrait of an apostate - someone who has fallen away from the truth and has embraced lie upon lie even going so far as to borrow tenet structure from the atheist world view. Let's begin with that.
TrustinJC is an evolutionist. His attack directed toward Carl Gallups' book on Amazon was initially focused on his lack of being impressed with Gallups' evidence against evolution. As we researched this person and probed him on his beliefs we quickly discovered that he has joined up with the atheistic model of creation - the one which is completely dependent upon deep time (billions of years) to perform the magical task of turning non-living matter into life and then turning microbes into men. Rather than trusting the historical narrative in the Bible, as most Christians do, TrustinJC has embraced the atheistic fairy tale of evolution. This leads us to the second point.
As we explored the responses on his youtube channel he revealed two things about his thoughts on scripture. He said the Bible is full of contradictions and it is not the only book inspired by God as scripture. This is to be quite expected from the apostate. They attack the sure Word from God because it is the line. It contains the true historical record of God's interaction with humanity past and outlines the future of humanity in stunning detail. It is a major battle ground between the believer and the enemy, Satan. TrustinJC has lost that battle and believes this lie as well. That's two strikes.
There are many problems with the dynamics of TrustinJC's world view. He attacked a cerebral outreach to the atheist community, "The Magic Man in the Sky" by Carl Gallups, while exhibiting grave difficulty with basic use of the English language. It reveals a type of inability to reason respectfully and seemingly resorts to bullying out of a lack of intelligence. However this is also the primary symptom of the apostate. They hate the brothers and attack them from within. It reminds one of a spy movie with the enemy gaining trust through identification with the group and then attempting to sabotage the group's efforts. According to the Bible this is an activity that God despises. And this is the activity of the apostate.
We pondered whether or not we should even mention this person's channel and by doing so drive up his views. But we suspect the majority of people we send there will not approve. And we suspect they will have a few words for this person.
In the meantime find out for yourself what all the fuss is about. Get your copy of Carl Gallups' "The Magic Man in the Sky" today!
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