Zev Porat

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Higgs Boson ``discovery`` no threat to Christianity - predicted in scripture


  1. Whether exclusive or not, it doesn't affirm God/any creator - so it doesn't justify going from agnostic to gnostic believer (i.e. any claim of "you need to know Christ/read this book" is baseless).

  2. You do realize that this could possibly prove that the big bang theory is true. Not that God exists...

  3. So, your hyping a "Christian Book" that supposedly has something to do with Science (Higgs)? Uhm, huh? This is pure crap wrapped in religious dogma.

  4. So, Science has advanced immensely, mostly thanks to Atheists. Science makes a huge discovery,and you take a few completely ambiguous quotes that could be applied to just about anything, and try to use that to prove there is an invisible jew in the sky?

    You are delusional. Sorry, there is no god.
