A sunning controversy has emerged following the Aurora Co 'Batman' shooting in the theater where several people were either killed or wounded. The death toll continues to rise as even this morning it was reported that an unborn child died from a miscarriage likely brought on by the tragic events in Aurora.
The picture controversy involves a distinct lack of physical likeness between the picture given out by the University of Colorado immediately following the shooting and the images which emerged out of the courtroom and taken by police. Here is the first picture mentioned.
In this picture (above) we see some distinct features like a wide nose. When we compare this image with the one given out by authorities (left) we see some dramatic changes in Holmes' appearance.
The nose seems narrower, eyes bulging, bigger lips perhaps. It really does look like a different man altogether. And this is even more apparent when the two images are placed side-by-side.
Carl is a former Florida law enforcement officer. In his career, he was the two-time recipient of the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award as well as three commendations of meritorious service. He is a graduate of The Florida Police Academy, Florida State University and The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Carl is no backer of all things government but when we asked him for his expert opinion on this matter he went to work on it right away and says he's quite certain it's the same guy. Mr Gallups came up with five reasons for his conclusion plus he sent us a diagram showing why his findings are valid.
1. When a straight line is drawn across the face from the tip of the nose - the line falls at the exact same place on the ears in both pictures.
2. When a line is drawn across the face from the bottom of the left ear lobe it a falls at the exact same place on the ears in both pictures.
3. The nose flare is explained by the big smile and face widening on the first picture.
4. The adam's apple shapes are identical.
5. We have to remember - the red hair picture is of a drug crazed lunatic. That would explain the eyes - the drawn face - the sucked in nose - etc. But the main facial features that CAN'T be faked - are the same.
So - there it is, from a law enforcement expert. The two pictures here are of the same physical person. Let us put an end to this controversy and move on. Thanks Carl.
Even the Zimmerman arrested right after the shooting looks different from the Zimmerman who appeared in the court. The nose and the distance between the eyes. Since, you guys are good with this type of software, please check it out.