Zev Porat

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Obama's brother George: "Barack takes care of me by taking care of the world"

President Barack Obama's half-brother, George Obama, lives in a hut in Kenya. He will be featured in the upcoming anti-Obama film "2016: Obama's America," according to The Hollywood Reporter. The movie, based on Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage," features a conversation between D'Souza and George Obama. From The Hollywood Reporter:
D'Souza and George Obama are seen chatting on what appears to be a park bench, and D'Souza seems most curious to know why the half-brother of the most powerful man on the planet lives in poverty and without any financial help from President Obama.
"I think he has a family of his own," George Obama says. "I'm a member of his family, but I'm over-age, so I help myself."
D'Souza presses him by using the biblical admonition—one that the president has also cited—that Americans ought to be "our brother's keeper," and George Obama shrugs off that insinuation, as well.
"He's got other issues to deal with," he says. "He's taking care of the world, so he's taking care of me."
source  http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-hut-dwelling-half-brother-interviewed-movie-163902807.html

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