Zev Porat

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

U.N. appoints Iran to help craft global arms treaty

Image via michaelsavage.comUNITED NATIONS –  A little more than a week after accusing Iran of supplying arms for Syria's bloody crackdown on democracy-minded rebels, the UN has given Tehran a key seat at negotiations for a global arms treaty.

The stunning appointment by member states attending the UN Conference of the Arms Trade Treaty in New York came last week, and is just the latest example of the world body appointing rogue and repressive regimes to leadership roles. The 15-nation committee to which Iran was appointed hopes to guide what could eventually become the first legally binding global treaty aimed at regulating the international trade of conventional arms.

Critics say asking Iran to help craft a treaty aimed at stopping arms proliferation to terrorist groups and rogue states makes a mockery of the talks. Just two weeks ago, the UN Security Council accused Tehran of shipping arms to Syria, and Iran is also suspected of hiding illegal nuclear weapons facilities from international watchdogs.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/07/10/when-un-wants-to-negotiate-global-arms-control-deal-it-turns-to-iran/#ixzz20FAeTmKE

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