Zev Porat

Thursday, July 5, 2012

WAR DRUMS! Top Iran official: Time has come for Israel, U.S. to vanish from world

Ali Larijani - AP - 2.3.2012
Photo by AP

The time has come for the disappearance of Israel and the West from the face of the universe, a senior Iranian official was quoted as saying on Thursday, saying that they were the "prime sources of tyranny and gloom."

The comment, by speaker of the Iranian parliament Ali Larijani, came after earlier Thursday the head of Iran's nuclear agency said that newly approved EU sanctions against the country's oil industry would not halt the progress of Iran's nuclear program.

Earlier this week, Iran test-fired several long-range ballistic missiles as part of an extensive military drill, with a top officer in Iran's Revolutionary Guards saying that the launch was meant to show to “regional and trans-regional countries seeking adventurism that the Islamic Republic is determined to resist their bullying and will give a crushing and decisive response to any potential act of mischief."

Speaking at a Tehran conference, Larijani was cited by Iran's Press TV as saying that "the time has come for the disappearance of the West and the Zionist regime - which are two dark spots in the present era - from the face of the universe."

“The U.S. and the Zionist regime are the prime sources of tyranny and gloom in the current age. The Muslim world is fed up with the injustice and abuse by these governments,” Larijani added.

Source http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/top-iran-official-time-has-come-for-israel-u-s-to-vanish-from-world.premium-1.449072

1 comment:

  1. This article as well as this (http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/iran-leader-we-must-prep-for-end-of-times/) tells much about the times we live in. To put this into Biblical perspective, let us understand that the 12th Imam or Mahdi compares to the "Anti-Christ" of the Bible and here we have Islam (definitely an anti-Christian institution and maybe the beast from the sea; Rev 13:1) declaring they are in preparation for the end times. This has my attention. Add to this "the beast who comes out of the earth" (Rev 13:11) with the lack of proof that Osama Bin Ladin was really killed, could we, should we be surprised in the possibility that the setup for Bin Ladin to resurface as this 12th Imam. Only time will tell. Stay tuned.
