Canada has a total ban on concealed hand-guns, but like anywhere else in the world, hand-gun bans only matter to people who give a rat's behind about hand-gun bans. So people in Toronto, for example - like the one's trapped in the food court of the Eaton Center Mall recently - are sitting ducks having had their god-given right to defend themselves stripped from them by their useless Liberal government.
Likewise in Norway where the situation is even worse. Even the cops in that country aren't allowed to wear guns which left Anders Breivik with 90 minutes to shoot people at will while special forces had to be flown in from Oslo - no doubt requiring special arms-training on route.
And now we learn about yet another classic example of the sitting duck syndrome in Aurora Co. - a town where a movie theater was recently shot up by a deranged psychopath and where also there was a building policy of not allowing people to carry a concealed weapon for self-defense. Imagine, if you will, the end result had there been at least one person with a gun who could have taken the shooter out quickly... imagine.
Imagine how the turn-out would have looked on the island in Norway had the "good" guys been armed with the intent of protecting the young people on retreat... imagine.
The libertards in the world will call for tighter restrictions and perhaps all-out bans on concealed weapons in Aurora over the tragedy in the theater - but equally tragic will be the attempt to hijack this event for the cause of stripping people's ability to defend themselves and force greater reliance on government. Remember what Ronald Reagan once said - "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'".
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