Zev Porat

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Governor of New York goes full-on COMMUNIST! You won't believe this one!

Image via michaelsavage.comGov. Cuomo delivered a simple message today that sounded like an keynote address for the Democratic Party: Make government work!

"The Democratic Party believes in government. Government is a vehicle for community," Cuomo said at a policy conference co-sponsored by the New York State Democratic Committee.

Cuomo said government can improve people's lives. But the "burden" is on Democrats to prove that it is a force for good -- not a hindrance -- by managing well and implementing policies that fit the times.
"Government can make your life better. That's what the last 18 months is all about. I think we've made progress over the past 18 months," said Cuomo, referring to his tenure in office.
Cuomo, unlike his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, is taking a low key approach and not speaking at the 2012 Democratic Party convention in Charlotte next month.
But his opening remarks to policy makers at the Sheraton midtown sounded like a clarion call for Dems.

Cuomo said "individual success" is not enough. "The sweetest success is shared success. It [communism] is possible," he said.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/gov_cuomo_argues_that_government_8gL5AUFpn2itSG4omkmrkL#ixzz24ONhQ2zr

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