Zev Porat

Friday, August 24, 2012

MONTHS After Initial Release - THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY Is Still Ranked Number ONE on Amazon!

THE "MAGIC MAN" Continues to Soar!
By Carl Gallups

It appears to me that the hand of the Lord is upon this book, in so many ways. Even before the scheduled initial shipping date of May 15, 2012, THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY: Effectively defending the Christian Faith rose to number 1 on Amazon in its category of Science and Religion. Then the initial stock at Amazon sold out and went into back-order status. From there the book has continued to soar and gain recognition all over the world.

By July 17, it was still ranking number 1 in Science and Religion and it was ranked overall number 446 in the multiplied millions of total books on Amazon. The book was featured on TBN (Praise The Lord in Costa Mesa, CA.), Atlanta Live, Dove Network, Coast up Close TV, IN The Market with Janet Parshall (Moody Radio Network) and dozens of coast to coast radio interviews in hundreds of markets, both national and international.

An article in The Washington Times featured a story on The Magic Man In The Sky and called it a "must read book" and a "powerful defense of the Christian faith." It has been featured in the official publications of Florida State University, The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and the University of Mobile at Mobile, Alabama. Since its initial release, the emails, letters and telephone responses have been pouring in. I have since received word from a physics teacher, a microbiologist who works for the EPA, a seminary professor, and a major Christian University professor - all raving about the book. The University professor told me that he would be using the book in his classes from now on. I continually hear from multitudes of people who buy the book, read it and then immediately order multiple copies to give away to others or to use in their churches and Bible study groups.

As of August 23, 2012, the book was still tracking number 1 in the Science and Religion category, number 7 in Religious Studies and number 74 in Christian living. One day later, August 24, it was tracking number 1, number 5, and number 61 in the same categories as its rankings and popularity continue to rise over three months after its initial release. The amazingly high ranking across multiple Amazon categories has been a typical phenomenon since the release of the book.
There are several reasons that I think the book is resonating with people all over the world. The book is timeless. Ten years from now, people can still be using it as great resource of information and inspiration.Also, the book addresses complex subjects and deals with them at a level that almost anyone can grasp and then use in their daily walk. Another surprise to many people is how the book addresses, at least indirectly, so many of the current issues that have just been recently breaking all over the world. The book addresses morality, worldviews, and prophetic events concerning the nations, the Middle East, Israel and more. It really is amazing how timely the release of this book was for the people who have been able to get a copy.

I really do give the Lord all the credit and glory for the amazing success of the book. He gave me the idea for it. Now, its success is evident. I think that its best days are still to come as more and more people discover the real power of THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith.

Effectively Defending The Christian Faith

by Carl Gallups
Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.                                         

#1 Best Seller Amazon (Science and Religion)

Get the book at Amazon.com today!


"A must-read book! / A muscular defense of the Christian faith. /An arsenal of powerful rebuttals to Christian bashers."

Featured on TBN (PTL With Dwight Thompson), ATLANTA LIVE, DOVE NETWORK, COAST UP CLOSE TV, IN THE MARKET with Janet Parshall (Moody Radio) and in dozens of major radio markets coast to coast (From Mancow in the Morning (Chicago) to Bill Martinez Live (California). THIS BOOK HAS BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON!


DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -  http://www.carlgallups.com
This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3gX-Buf_7s&feature=plcp

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