Zev Porat

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Richard Dawkins: "Idea of Creative Intelligence - not so ridiculous" - To PLAYBOY Magazine! Dawkins on "edge of conversion?"

Carl Gallups Says: "Richard, could it be because the REAL scientific evidence so powerfully points to an Intelligent Designer - just like we have been saying all along?  Hmmmm."

Richard Dawkin's Favorite Bible Book? Ecclesiastes!

Renowned Evolutionary biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins, has conducted an interview with Playboy magazine. He discussed a host of topics related to science and religion . Dawkins, the author of "The God Delusion" admitted that he had not read the entire Bible, but knew it well enough to consider himself more knowledgeable on the subject than most Christians. He also said that his favorite book is Ecclesiastes, because of it's wonderful poetry in 17th century English. On the topic of a single deity, he doesn't believe it but the idea of some kind of Creative intelligence is quote…."not so ridiculous"


Effectively Defending The Christian Faith                                         
by Carl Gallups
Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.                                         

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DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -  http://www.carlgallups.com/   This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3gX-Buf_7s&feature=plcp

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