Zev Porat

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rick Warren Cancels Obama-Romney Civil Forum Due to Lack of Civility


Pastor Rick Warren has canceled his highly anticipated "Saddleback Civil Forum" with presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, citing a lack of civil discourse between the two campaigns. Warren will hold a forum on religious liberty instead, which may bring attention to the Obama administration's birth control mandate less than two months before the presidential election.

"We created the civil forums to promote civility and personal respect between people with major differences," Warren told The Orange County Register.
"The forums are meant to be a place where people of goodwill can seriously disagree on significant issues without being disagreeable or resorting to personal attack and name-calling. But that is not the climate of today's campaign.
Rick Warren, Obama"I've never seen more irresponsible personal attacks, mean-spirited slander, and flat-out dishonest attack ads, and I don't expect that tone to change before the election. ... It would be hypocritical to pretend civility for one evening only to have the name-calling return the next day."
Instead of a presidential civil forum, Warren's Saddleback Church in Southern California will host a forum on religious liberty.
Government bureaucrats at the federal, state and local levels, Warren said, "are daily trying to limit that freedom, impose restrictions, and stifle expressions of faith on campuses, in hospitals, and in businesses. There are widespread attempts to redefine the First Amendment to simply mean 'You are free to believe anything at your place of worship but you are not free to practice your conscience elsewhere.'"

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Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/rick-warren-cancels-obama-romney-civil-forum-due-to-lack-of-civility-80471/#S7cMPMrWRO8MXCfS.99

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