Zev Porat

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rubio VP snub shows power of alternative media‏

Marco Rubio is scheduled to be a speaker at the upcoming RNC Convention in Tampa where the Republican Party will officially nominate Mitt Romney as their candidate for President of the United States of America.

Rubio was the front-runner for the #2 slot for a while and many pundits concluded that he would be the man Romney would choose as his running mate. He would bring in the Hispanic vote giving the Republicans an edge over the Democrats with Florida immigrants.

But there was one enormous elephant in the middle of the room which could not go completely ignored no matter how hard they tried - eligibility.

WND writer Jerome Corsi and youtube's PPSIMMONS have documented evidence that shows Barack Obama is not eligible to be POTUS by virtue of the fact that his father was never a citizen of the US. They argue a person must be a "natural born" citizen which is defined, according to them, as a person born on US soil to two US citizen parents. This generation citizenship requirement allows time for foreign allegiances to fade and exhibits loyalty to the country. Marco Rubios's parents were not US citizens when Marco was born thereby making him ineligible to serve as President according to WND and PPSIMMONS.

There seemed to be an attempt by Rubio to placate the "birthers" with his book titled "An American Son" - a title which highlights his patriotism. However another equally serious issue arose in the content of the book in which he openly endorsed illegal immigration. In "An American Son" Rubio suggests he too would come to the US illegally and appeared to be applauding those who did so. Oops!

While discussing immigration policy in his new memoir, An American Son, Rubio called for "common decency" in dealing with undocumented immigrants and said that if put in a similar position as those who are fleeing destitution, he would break the law, too.

"Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn't feed our families," Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday.  "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."

A major Republican issue will be illegal immigration, i.e. - they're against it! Rubio came out with his book completely at odds with the Republican Party's platform of ending amnesty and pushing for a return to strict adherence to immigration laws.

So with this information made public by the alternative media (this blog et al) Rubio's candidacy faded to naught.   

The vetting is happening and the candidates are paying attention. People are tuning out of the MSM and learning the facts right here... the "alternative" media... doing the work the mainstream media refuses to do... and doing it well. 

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