Zev Porat

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Video report confirms Egyptian crucifixions

Video report confirms Egyptian crucifixions
WND's report of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood using crucifixion against their opponents -- a story that went viral over the weekend -- was so shocking, some simply could not believe it.
But a review of the Arabic-language news media in the Mideast not only confirms WND's original report, but provides new, disturbing details ...

An Arabic-language video news report from Abu Dhabi-based Sky News Arabia confirms a WND story about the latest method of attack on Christians in Egypt: crucifixions. The story went viral over the weekend, but today columnist Jonathan Kay at Canada’s National Post described it as a “hoax” and an “instant Internet myth.”

“It is, of course, theoretically possible that Muslim radicals truly have ‘crucified’ someone, somewhere, sometime, in Egypt. Islamist mobs have staged countless murderous attacks on Copt ‘infidels’ in recent years – and a crucifixion would hardly be more barbarous tactic than truck bombs and beheadings,” he wrote.
“But the story doesn’t just allege that a crucifixion has taken placesomewhere in Egypt,” he added: “It alleges that multiple crucifixions have taken place in front of the presidential palace. That would be the equivalent of, say, mass lynchings taking place in front of the White House, or a giant gang rape taking place in front of Ottawa’s Centennial Flame fountain.”
Most damning, according to Kay’s column, is that one of the key sources cited by WND for the story – an Arabic-language report by Sky News – doesn’t exist. “There is no Sky report on the subject,” he wrote.
Except there is. The English translation of a section of the Sky News report, circled in red in the video, references that members of the Muslim Brotherhood “crucified” dissidents “naked on trees in front of the presidential palace.”

Read more http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/video-report-confirms-egyptian-crucifixions/

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