Zev Porat

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Who knew? Curiosity photos show Mars teeming with UFOs

Carl Gallups says: Last Days Lunacy grows stronger and stronger in man's quest to deny God's reality.


From flying saucers to fossilized human fingers, people takes some leaps of logic 


According to the fringe sector of the Internet, Mars is practically teeming with aliens.
Since NASA's Curiosity rover touched down on the Red Planet two weeks ago and powered up its cameras, it has already managed to photograph several alleged UFOs and other "anomalies" in the surrounding landscape.                                                          

           A supposed "Mars animal" spotted by one YouTube user.
From classic flying saucers to an absurdly out-of-place fossilized human finger, here's a rundown of what UFO believers claim to have found in Curiosity photos so far. [ Gallery of Mars 'UFO' Photos ]
Horizon anomaly (aka impact cloud)

Speculation about Martians in Curiosity's midst got off to a running start when the very first sequence of photos taken by the rover raised questions. A hazy, distant object mysteriously appeared and then disappeared in consecutive images of the Martian horizon, perplexing even NASA scientists at first.

But the much-discussed "anomaly" turned out not to be a sign of alien activity, but rather the plume of dust kicked up by the sky crane that delivered the rover close to the Martian surface, then veered off and struck the ground some 2,000 feet (600 meters) away.


Read Whole Story Here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48783029/ns/technology_and_science-science/#.UDkb_6DRB15


Effectively Defending The Christian Faith     

by Carl Gallups
Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.                                        

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DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -  http://www.carlgallups.com
This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3gX-Buf_7s&feature=plcp




  1. I would like to know PPSIMMONS stance on UFO and Aliens. Are they fallen Angels

  2. No there is no such thing as UFO's or Aliens.
