CLINTON: Now -- but he has -- he has laid the foundations for a new, modern, successful economy of shared prosperity. And if you will renew the president’s contract, you will feel it. You will feel it.He, Barack Hussein Obama has "laid the foundations"? Wait a minute! Exactly which country is he referring to here? Doesn't the US already have foundations? Doesn't the US have a constitution which lays out the clear foundations on which the country is to be built? Well, let's read on for context.
Clinton continued with "for a new". New? Clearly this implies there was something wrong with the old does it not? Clinton admits that Obama is rebuilding America in his own image as you will see. He continued with "modern". So the American way of life is antiquated, outdated, past it's prime! It's time for a new, modern America built on the new foundations forged and sculpted by the anointed one himself.
Let us continue: "successful". Again - the implication here is that the long-held gold standard for economic prosperity, the American economy which has single-handedly propped up the world's economies for 70 years, was unsuccessful. And so Barack Obama, according to Bill Clinton, is tearing down the old guard and building an entirely new economic system on entirely new foundations.
Now comes the clincher - the dog whistle moment if you will - "shared prosperity". Now, in order to get the complete context of those two words one must conflate the words of other Democrat socialist operatives within the party.
Addressing a Democrat fund-raiser June 28 2004, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., told wealthy supporters the government will need to take money away from them for the “common good.” (here)
And most recently Governor Cuomo of New York State reiterated the communist sentiment within the Democrat Party saying "individual success" is not enough. "The sweetest success is shared success. It [communism] is possible," (See that info here).
So it really is safe to conclude that sharing the wealth through forced involvement by government mandate i.e. Communism, is a prominent tenet in the Democrat party and the foundations for this new government system are being poured by Obama himself.
Finally, according to Bill Clinton, if the Obama regime is given four more years, "you will feel it". One can only imagine what that could possible mean. And when "Slick Willy" says it you may not want to imagine.
Well duh. The dems have been totally infiltrated by commies. Anyone that is a 2nd generation democrat needs to open their eyes & look at the party they're currently aligned with. It ain't your daddy's democrat party! I just saw a video where at the DNC they're talking about making it illegal for businesses to have profits!!! Can you even imagine?? And removing God & Jerusalem from the platform...These commies are coming out for all to see. It's time to choose for us all. Godless communism or freedom? Everyone unwilling to see this is willingly blind & on the wrong side of history, period!
ReplyDeleteIt is clear that the democrats are the ones chosen to use whatever means to take America down. Their satanic agenda is so "transparent," that I can't understand why those who claim to be Christians would even stay at the convention. The problem is they just don't get it; but most of "we the people" can read between the lines.