Zev Porat

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New species of "owl-faced" monkey not really a new species at all

The lesula, a colourful new species of monkey discovered in AfricaThe science community is all a buzz this week over the supposed discovery of a "new" species of monkey. The word "new" is being tossed around abundantly but is it really "new"?

You have to understand the debate dynamics in order to understand why it's important to the secular God-less science community to set the narrative - that nothing exists unless they discover it.

The Daily Mail is reporting

 A new species of monkey with a distinctive blue rear end has been identified in Africa, researchers have said. The species, known locally as the lesula, was discovered after a young female was seen kept captive at the home of a primary school director in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2007. The young animal resembled an owl faced monkey (Cercopithecus hamlyni) but the colour of its rear end was different to that of any known species, the researchers writing in the journal PLoS ONE said.
What are you looking at? The new species has a distinctive blue behind.Did you notice what secular science rag PLoS ONE said?  "The color of its rear end was different to that of any known species". Wait a minute! Take a good look at those pictures again. This animal was WELL known to the locals! They even kept them as pets! This is not a "NEW" species. By the looks of it this species has been around for a long, long time.

A pair of young Cercopithecus lomamiensis, captured near Obenge, DRC (right). White nose stripe is variably present in juvenile C. hamlyni from the Kisangani region. Photos by John Hart.It is important to understand that secular scientists have a god complex. Nothing exists unless they discover it. And unless they discover it - it can't possibly exist. Sound familiar? Silly atheists.

See Daily Mail article here...

This really does place on full display the level of which the converse fallacy of accident is entrenched in the atheistic religious community masquerading as caring scientific fellows. They never encountered a blue-bottomed monkey before so naturally such an animal could not exist. Yet when it is shown to exist they claim to have discovered a brand new species, as though the people who knew about these creatures for thousands of years and even kept them as pets were of no value at all.

So the result is all the major internet and broadcast news sites boldly declaring "SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW SPECIES OF MONKEY" when in fact no such thing is true. The monkeys were discovered by people a long, long time ago. But Drudge and Savage et al have freely helped the atheists promote the narrative by posting this story with the headline "SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW SPECIES OF MONKEY" when in fact they are promoting a bold-faced lie.

And so it is with God. Millions of people around the world have discovered the truth about God and have personal relationships with Him. They interact with Him daily. And yet so many secular atheists with evolution as their creation story make bold claims that no god exists because, alas, they have never experienced Him.

People need to realize that scientists are people and, just as M.I.T. professor and Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Diaz said recently 'there is no correlation between intelligence and wisdom'... indeed.


1 comment:

  1. Wherever it says 'new species' you can take that to mean 'new species to science'. Did you know this monkey existed? No, so that makes it NEW to you too. obviously if scientists found a new species of bacteria that lived near a hydrothermal vent you would be OK with the claimsuddenly. Stretching this to a rant against atheism shows how impartial you are
