Zev Porat

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obama has no time for Israel - HE'S GOING TO VEGAS!

(CNSNews.com) - On the day after the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in Benghazi, the White House on Wednesday morning released a schedule showing that President Obama would continue with his planned campaign trip to Las Vegas. (HERE)

Obama is refusing to meet with The Israeli PM over the Iranian threat - a clear existential threat from Iran's plan to produce nuclear weapons and wipe Israel out of existence.

An Israeli official, who asked not to be identified because he wasn’t authorized to speak on the matter, said that Israel approached the White House two weeks ago to see if it would be possible for Netanyahu to meet Obama, as he has on every other visit to the U.S.
The response was that the president’s schedule wouldn’t permit a meeting, the official said today in a telephone interview. Obama is in the middle of campaigning for a second term in the Nov. 6 election. (HERE)
So The President does have time for Vegas... but not for Israel... and to top it all off he is now being accused by the Romney camp of sympathizing with terrorists trying to destroy American embassies (here).  Is there any wonder?

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