Zev Porat

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Official: Obama will make Bibi pay after elections

"This is the Obama administration's response to the dinner party Netanyahu held in (Mitt) Romney's honor," a senior member of the political-security cabinet told Ynet, while another official said the Pentagon's decision "isn’t boosting deterrence and is not making the Iranians sweat.

סוללות פטריוט בתרגיל הקודם ב-2009 (צילום: EPA)
Patriot battery during previous drill in 2009 (Photo: EPA)

"Regardless of the exercise, the relations between Israel and the US have soured," another minister said, while another added cynically that "our relationship has never been better.

"The US elections are in two months, and there is no doubt that President Barack Obama, if he is reelected, will make Netanyahu pay for his behavior," said the security cabinet member. "It will not pass quietly."

read more http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4275749,00.html

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