Zev Porat

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Will Romney be "murdered" to get Obama back in to White House? It could happen!

By Michael D. Shoesmith

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Republican strategist Karl Rove has apologized to Congressman Todd Akin after joking about the Missouri Senate candidate being murdered.

Bloomberg Businessweek’s website had quoted Rove as telling GOP donors in Florida: “We should sink Todd Akin. If he’s found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts!”

Akin campaign adviser Rick Tyler told The Associated Press that Akin accepted Rove’s apology during a phone call Friday. A Rove spokesman didn’t return messages Friday from the AP. (Read story here)

But does the attitude of Karl Rove remind us of a similar attitude in the Obama camp? Should we count out all together the possibility of a Romney assassination to get the Obama-nation re-elected?

Consider the death of Andrew Breitbart. The Los Angeles County coroner's office reviewed the death of conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who collapsed and died while taking a nighttime walk near his Westwood home on possible suspicion of assassination.

But even if they found out he did have a heart attack will that be the end of the matter? Not so much. A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the short video below.

The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.

The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn't it? Yet this is all verifiable in Congressional testimony.

Could this or a similar secret weapon have been used, for instance, in the death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings? Pittman, whose fight to open the Federal Reserve to more scrutiny led Bloomberg News to sue the central bank and win, allegedly died of a heart attack.

And now most recently Andrew Breitbart died during a late night stroll and who recently posted pictures and video footage of President Barack Obama hangin’ with the Black Panthers.

Shortly after Breitbart was found dead and his death subsequently investigated by the L.A. Coroners office, one of the coroners at the L.A. Coroners office was found dead by suspected poisoning.

From the L.A. Times (see story here)

He spent his life trying to determine how people died. But now his colleagues are searching for answers after he died under mysterious circumstances. Los Angeles police detectives, with the help of the Los Angeles County coroner's office, are investigating the death of Michael Cormier. Officials said he might have died of poisoning, but they have not provided further information.
Cormier, 61, died last week after being taken to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank from his North Hollywood home. Earlier he had complained of pain and vomiting.
Hospital staff notified police about concerns surrounding the cause of Cormier's death. "At this point we haven't ruled out foul play," said Lt. Alan Hamilton of the Los Angeles Police Department. "It is one of the things being considered. We are waiting for the coroner's results."
Ed Winter, deputy chief coroner, said that Cormier's autopsy has been performed but that a cause of death has been deferred pending further tests. Investigators have also interviewed his family and friends. Messages left at the home Friday went unanswered. Authorities have examined Cormier's Auckland Avenue home for clues to the cause of his death. Sources said several hazardous materials experts and officers searched the small home looking for clues. The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that finding the presence of poison does not necessarily mean the death was a homicide, because the substance could have accidentally entered his system. Hamilton cautions that such investigations are standard practice when there is even a suggestion of anything other than natural causes. It unclear if the death could also be related to his work or hobbies.
And now, with Karl Rove admitting he would like to see Republican Todd Akin murdered should we simply write these things off as sick jokes by political miscreants or should we finally start taking these events more seriously and really ask ourselves - will the Obama campaign attempt to regain the White House by assassination? It's a greater possibility than most people can imagine.

1 comment:

  1. At this day and age and this end of the game I wouldn't put it past Obama to do anything even Murder! No wonder Why he was disbarred!
