Zev Porat

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

'Jesus wife' documentary broadcast delayed amid doubts

A TV documentary about a 4th-Century papyrus fragment that makes reference to Jesus having a wife has been delayed amid doubts over its authenticity.
A previously unknown scrap of ancient papyrus written in ancient Egyptian CopticThe Smithsonian Channel has pushed backed the broadcast to an unspecified date, while further tests on the Coptic script are carried out.
Scholars have questioned the fragment's authenticity on grammar and lack of known archaeological provenance.
Christian tradition has long held that Jesus was unmarried.
Karen King, the Harvard professor who published the research, has said the fragment only shows some early Christians believed Jesus was wed.
The Smithsonian Channel had billed the papyrus as "one of the most significant discoveries of all time".
The documentary was originally due to air on 30 September until scholars began raising questions about the fragment.
Tom Hayden, the Smithsonian Channel's general manager, said the show would "take into account the upcoming tests as well as the academic response to the initial announcement".
"This will enable us to present a richer and more complete story," he said, adding that a new broadcast date would be announced in the upcoming weeks.

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