Zev Porat

Monday, October 8, 2012

Should A Christian Vote In The Upcoming Presidential Election?

By Pastor Carl Gallups


1. Should a Christian vote in ANY election?  Has there EVER been a Bible believing, born again, Spirit-filled, church attending, missions minded candidate who was a viable contender for President in your lifetime? Have you EVER voted before? If so - how did you decide then? If have you not voted before - the following points would not apply to you anyway. You can stop the quiz here.

2. Should a Christian have voted in Nazi Germany if they had been given a chance to end Hitler's regime and the destruction of Germany - even if the alternative candidate was not the most desirable to the Christian community? If there was even the slightest possibility that the Christian vote could have stopped the madness - should the Christian have voted then? What would you think of the Christians who would not vote or who voted for a candidate that would not win?

3. Since  it is a fact of history that America was founded upon a Judeo/Christian, Biblical foundation - and since we were blessed with the ability and freedom to elect our own leaders - should a Christian be involved in the process that guarantees their very rights to worship, work, and to share the Gospel with their neighbors and the world?

4. Do you believe the Constitution of The United States ought to be respected and that it reflects the ideals of our founders?  America’s constitution, framed by our founding fathers states that there "shall be no religious test" for office of President (because we are not electing a priest, pastor or king). The founders understood that if a man's religion was not desirable to the individual voter - then the voter should look for the man's platform for guidance in voting - particularly as it would apply to cherishing and following the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. (BTW - no man's religion would EVER be acceptable to the majority of voters - EVER.)

5. In this years' election we now have two candidates from which to select as we cast a vote. One has a platform of abortion, homosexual marriage, disdain for the U.S. Constitution, disdain for America's military might, disdain for the Defense of Marriage Act, disdain for Israel, and disdain for the capitalistic system that provides work and resources for you and your family, etc. The other one claims a love for the Constitution, pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-Israel, pro-military strength, pro-capitalism, etc. Since these are the only viable choices we have this time and since on November 7th ONE of these men will be president - If a Christian is voting for the future of their nation - how should they vote?

6. If you say you are a Christian and will only vote for a Christian for president - one who professes Jesus as Savior and Lord, one who goes to church, one who sings in the choir, one who teaches Sunday School - then...the ONLY two you could have voted for in your lifetime would have been Bill Clinton (sang in the choir and regularly attended Immanuel Baptist Church, Little Rock, AK. - or Jimmy Carter - taught Sunday School for many years in his Baptist Church at Plains, Georgia. That is who YOU would have voted for - how would that have worked out for you … and for America?

7. Interesting note - many evangelicals voted for Allen Keyes - believing that he best represented a strong conservative platform and love for the constitution of America. Yet Dr. Keyes ( A man I deeply admire and have had on my radio program as a guest) is a strong, and avowed Roman Catholic.  Hmmmm. Let me see - Roman Catholics believe that the only way to receive the salvation of Jesus is through the Roman Catholic church and its specific sacraments. They believe that the Pope can supersede the Bible. They believe that salvation is NOT by God's grace alone (remember the Protestant Reformation?).  They believe that prayers to God must go through "saints" or "Mary." They believe that a priest can absolve sin. Roman Catholics have a deep loyalty to Rome, The Vatican, and the Pope. Funny how "righteousness in the voting booth" shifts with the times, isn't it?

8.  Name this President:
He was:
Democrat most of his political career - later switched to the Republican Party.
The ONLY U.S. President to have been divorced.
Baptized into the Disciples of Christ religion (Member of the World Council of Churches).

His wife was reported to have regularly consulted astrologers while in the White House.
He went to a church service only ONCE in his 8 years as president.
Of course - you know who he is...if you are over 50 - you more than likely voted for him. If you are under 50 and conservative - you more than likely revere him as America's strongest conservative president. If he was running for President today - you would probably vote for him.

9. Imagine with me.  You are on a plane. It is in the process of being flown into a mountainside by the current pilot. The flight attendant announces that another pilot is on board. He has much experience piloting airplanes.The potentially new pilot may not meet everyone's "religious standards" - but he is a proven pilot and promises to at least land the plane safely. Everyone on the plane gets a vote. To your horror - many won't vote because they don't like the alternative pilot's religious views. They said they would just sit in the back of the plane and "pray." Others said they would rather vote for another passenger, even though he is not a viable "candidate." The plane crashes into the side of the mountain, killing everyone aboard. Who's fault was it?
10. Recent Gallup Polls indicate that over 43% of American adults claim to be born again Christians. But the same polls indicate that less than half of those are registered to vote. Of the ones who are registered to vote, less than 50% vote on a regular basis. If 43% of American adults are born again Christians that means that at least 100,000,000 Christians could vote! If 100,000,000 Christians voted we could have ANY candidate we wanted in the White House or in Congress. But we do not. Why? Well - Christians don't vote...and then we complain about who the candidates are and who the President is - but, who's fault is it - really?

11. Should a Christian pray about this election? YES! I have been praying for our nation and its leadership as long as I can remember.  I also know that ultimately all of the world’s affairs and events are in the hands of the Lord. However, I am aware that I also have a Biblical responsibility to be “salt and light” especially in a nation where I have the freedom to do so. I have a responsibility to put "feet" to my prayers. Faith without works is dead.

12. I am not voting for a man or a party nearly as much as I am voting for a “chance” for our Constitutional Republic to survive. Why? So that the Church can survive in America! So that Christians can continue to live, preach, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. So that I will continue to have the freedom to get on the radio, write in newspapers, and produce videos for the Internet that point people to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Electing a President is just the beginning. We need new congressmen and new federal judges. We need to restore America’s heart to God and to its Biblical foundations. We have a lot of hard work to do, we have a lot of praying to do, and we have a lot of repenting to do. It will be difficult - but not impossible.

But, is your freedom and the future of your family, children and grandchildren worth it? Is your freedom of worship, speech, and the ability to protect yourself worth it? The work, the prayer, the energy, and the effort are worth it to me. That is why I will be voting … and urging others to vote as well.

I am not endorsing a "candidate."  I rarely do. I learned my lesson from Billy Graham who publicly and wholeheartedly endorsed Richard Nixon. We see how that turned out.

You do realize - don't you...that to not vote, or to "write in" a name, or to vote for a candidate that is not going to win by any reasonable possibility - will guarantee to put the current administration back in office? You do realize then - that your "vote of conscience" will have potentially ruined the future of your children and grandchildren? What will your conscience say to you then?

Certainly you realize that to not vote or to vote for someone who CANNOT win is exactly what the Obama camp is counting upon from the Christian community at large?  Who do you think STARTED the "A Christian Should Not Vote For Romney" campaign?  I know this: Israel wants Romney. Muslims and the Muslim Brotherhood want Obama. Capitalists want Romney. Socialists and Communists around the world want Obama. Chavez has endorsed Obama. Ahmadinejad has endorsed Obama. Countries and leaders who want a weakened America are endorsing Obama. Given the only two choices we have this time around - the choice is clear...if you want to preserve some semblance of America.

I am not voting for a "man." I am voting for America. While I am voting for America, using the freedom and the responsibility given to me by God Himself, I am trusting in The Lord. My heart and faith belong to Jesus Christ and Him alone. I will serve Jesus in a free America or in a communist, diminished America. However, I would rather serve the Lord in a free America. I would rather that my children and grandchildren might at least have that same opportunity as well. How about you?


Effectively Defending The Christian Faith                                         
by Carl Gallups
Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.                                          

#1 Best Seller Amazon (Science and Religion)

Get the book at Amazon.com today!


"A must-read book! / A muscular defense of the Christian faith. /An arsenal of powerful rebuttals to Christian bashers."

Featured on TBN (PTL With Dwight Thompson), ATLANTA LIVE, DOVE NETWORK, COAST UP CLOSE TV, IN THE MARKET with Janet Parshall (Moody Radio) and in dozens of major radio markets coast to coast (From Mancow in the Morning (Chicago) to Bill Martinez Live (California). THIS BOOK HAS BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON!


DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page -  http://www.carlgallups.com/   This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!  Listen to this clip of Carl leading a talk show host back to the Lord - largely because of the host landing on Carl's site - amazing!  HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3gX-Buf_7s&feature=plcp


  1. Carl, you did a video months back on Mormonism and what they believe. You said they believe that Jesus is the brother of Satan. Why should we vote for someone who thinks Christ is the brother of Satan?

    1. If Americans today realized the depth of the power seeking desire that was in the heart of the Founder, Joseph Smith, and then realize that LDS leaders possess this same obsession today, they would be scared to death of a Mormon President. Mormon leaders have always wanted to win the Presidency of the United States. When assassinated in 1844, Joseph Smith was planning to run for President.

      Through dramatic reenactments and interviews with top historical experts, A Mormon President looks for answers to timely questions which have great significance today since, especially since a Mormon - Mitt Romney -- is going to be the Republican nominee for President in 2012.
      Do the Mormons have an agenda for the White House? As Bill Schnoebelen reveals in "Mormonisms Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert, Mormons have always had an agenda, as can be proven by that secret pod room on the top of the Mormon Temple in Washington, D.C. You can't understand the difficulties facing Romney in winning the election until you understand Joseph Smith, the original founder of Mormonism

      Is America ready for a Mormon President? American liberties could be in real danger should a Mormon become President.

      This election could decide the fate of America. Our national soul is going to be tested as never before.

  2. "You do realize - don't you...that to not vote, or to "write in" a name, or to vote for a candidate that is not going to win by any reasonable possibility - will guarantee to put the current administration back in office? You do realize then - that your "vote of conscience" will have potentially ruined the future of your children and grandchildren? What will your conscience say to you then?"

    This is a foolish statement and incredibly leading, it is also disingenuous in that you specifically stated that "I am not endorsing a "candidate." Sir, this sounds like a back handed endorsement to me. You are basically saying that we, as Christians, should NOT vote our conscience. The irony is that such reasoning is what put us in this sinking ship to begin with, listening to religious leaders rather than actually voting our conscience. I find it outrageous that any self proclaimed "man of God" continues to be blind to the reality that our entire government is corrupt to its core and continues to advocate the old adage of voting for the "lesser of two evils", guess what, it is still evil! I'd rather you encourage folks to educate themselves on what is really happening in this country with the corruption, NOT JUST OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!!, but of the entire government and the system we live in, the unjust laws, over-regulation of government, the out of control spending and printing of money by the federal reserve, these ridiculous wars that only serve the elite at the expense of our children, and I could go on. Mr. Gallups, I like you but I think sometimes your thinking takes you to wrong conclusions because you being at wrong paradigms, it is time for a paradigm shift sir.

  3. I agree 100% with Jerry. Both Parties are the same not a dimes worth of difference in any of them.Let me get this right im to either vote for a muslem or satans brother? No thank you very much.You made a video about a man once but you said that he said he didnt support Israel. Witch btw was a out right lie. A Christan Man too.One who would have did the right thing.How long will we last now? As a Nation we are broke.In every way you care to define it.Dont you think its about time we start telling everyone the truth like Ron Paul tried to.Stop the left right paradigm.

  4. Evil vs Evil, no, thanks.Furthermore, Romney scares me more than Obama because I already know he(Obama)is "the one" and I know his end.

  5. Pastor Carl, you're off your rocker. What are you a 501c3 Government Church FEMA pastor? You are totally wrong here. While we may like what comes out of Romney's mouth his voting history is totally opposite what he says. There is only one candidate running for president this year and his name is Mitt Obamney. They are twins, brothers from different mothers, genetic clones, etc... The only hope that America has is that Godly men and Godly women of character will stand up as one mighty army and declare to impure, obscene and foul that their days of unlimited access to the minds of America are over and that the army of God is taking America back... because after all, America doesn't currently exist anymore, we are in a globalist run banker funded new world order. America ceased to exist in 1913.

    1. Gee Wiz... I guessed right, you are the 501c3 Corporate Whore Government FEMA pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church... Records below.


    2. He's not off his rocker. He just has an opinion on the issue. Having tax exempt status does not mean a Church group is in league with Satan!

  6. "You do realize then - that your "vote of conscience" will have potentially ruined the future of your children and grandchildren? What will your conscience say to you then?"

    Nice to know that although I may be in the minority opinion among registered Republicans, others still see the hypocrisy in this post and Carl Gallup's stance on voting your conscience when it comes to one anti-Christ religion (Islam), but not another (Mormonism). Seems to me - my opinion here - that you, Carl Gallups, would do better preaching the TRUTH - as you have been all along up until now - rather than trying to coerce and manipulate people into voting for one evil candidate over another. This is NOT just about religion - although it could be. This is also the FACT that Romney IS NOT conservative and never has been. He is an oily, snaky, sneaky, liberal LIAR.

    Do I want Obama in office? NO!!! But do I want Romney in office? NO!!!! Is this a complicated, delicate, soul-wrenching choice? God help us all, YES!!!! The Republican Party elites picked the WORST POSSIBLE liberal-who-calls-himself-republican candidate to go against Obama. Why are you not railing against this heinous act of idiocy and liberalism, rather than trying to convince others "it's okay" to vote against your conscience?

    Or are you trying to convince yourself? Or is it you are trying to soothe everyone's conscience? I assure you, sir, MY conscience will not be soothed over this nasty liberal election in which I am compelled, as a proud conservative American, to vote.

    How about standing up for the TRUTH and speaking out for the TRUTH regardless of fear (of losing the election) or more fear (of Obama). Trying to emotionally and spiritually manipulate people into voting for one evil over another is, in my opinion, WRONG.

    God bless you, brother Carl Gallups, and I look forward to meeting and fellowshipping with you in Heaven, but in my humble opinion, you are erring and compromising Biblical teaching in this point. Right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter how inconvenient that may or may not be. Times change, but God does not.

    Who am I voting for? I DON'T KNOW!! I'm torn. And I'm in mourning for my dead country. (I'll now wait for words of scorn from liberals who call themselves Republicans... :-) I have been praying and fasting and praying some more. I DO NOT KNOW. I'll probably end up weeping in the voting booth and checking the box beside "Romney and Ryan." Both Obama and Romney are evil, because neither man acknowledges Christ as the Son of God (sorry, Mormons - your religion's version of "son of God" is not accurate nor Biblical, and as such, is of the anti-Christ spirit, and as such is against God, and as such cannot be FOR God, and as such is of Satan, which is evil. Repent and come to Christ, before it's too late!).

    Alan Keyes and Catholics? They may not have doctrine down as you or I, as "evangelicals," see it. But they are NOT of the anti-Christ spirit. They believe Jesus is the ONE AND ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD and there is no other. Obama, as a Muslim, is of the anti-Christ spirit. Romney, as a Mormon, is of the anti-Christ spirit.

    I implore you: stop compromising. Vote for Romney if that is who you feel led to vote for - if your conscience, given of GOD, allows you to. But don't try to sugar-coat it into a vote for what is RIGHT and GOOD and HOLY and BIBLICAL. Because it is NOT.

    Blessings to you and your house, and may GOD have mercy on us all in these last days.


  7. They are both just puppets of the NWO(new world Order), Obama and Romney are just two sides of the same coin. Sure they have different outward appearances to appeal to different social groups, but ultimately they will be working towards the same end. Romney is bought and paid for by the same people who have bought and paid for obama (the international bankers i.e. IMF, world bank, etc) and they will both just take us closer and closer to economic collapse and one world government.

    Obama will do it by taking away our rights under the pretense of providing benefits for those less fortunate. While at the same time draining our economy by putting all of our tax dollars into welfare programs that ultimately end up in the pockets back in the pockets of the bankers.

    Romney will do it by taking away our rights under the pretense of protecting us from terrorists and all of the supposed "haters of freedom". He will also drain our economy by continuing to pump all of our money into the military industrial complex which also serves build up a mass of military hardware should the American people ever get wise.

    Both candidates intend to do nothing about the Federal reserve (which is a private bank that prints US currency at the cost of the face value of the currency plus interest, effectively putting us in never ending debt) the banker's headquarters in the US.

    As you can see they battle is already over, and we lost. In fact many of us weren't even alive when the battle happened, it took place back in 1912 when the Federal reserve was established and during the great depression when Roosevelt seized all of the American people's wealth to bail out the Fed (look up Executive order #6102).

    Carl I have a lot of respect for you, you make a lot of good points, and in most cases you seem very enlightened (I even bought your book). However, your perception that republicans are somehow better than democrats because of their outward facade is disheartening. Surely you must realize that every president since the turn of the century (1900, not 2000) has been bought and paid for. I for one will not resign myself to voting for the "lesser of two evils" as you seem to support.

    It is the same reason I will not get involved in organized religion, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". I believe in God and Jesus and that he died for our sins and beyond that nothing matters. All of these factions (democrat/republican, Catholic,Protestant,Mormon,Muslim,Jewish) are just ways for the powers that be do divide us and pit us against each other.

    I would have hoped that you would be a proponent of real values that comes from a personal relationship with God (as you said we don't need some priest to talk to God), and not just throwing in with the mob that's shouting sounds most like your own opinion (ANYONE BUT OBAMA!, really how about Satan?). I know I am ranting and I guess i don't expect you to read all of this, but if you did I hope it was inspired and maybe it will remind you that we must all live "in the world" but not "of the world", thank you.

    1. I'm pretty sure he reads the comments here. Carl is still our Friend and respects are opinions on the issue. He's aware of how bad the Mormon religion is and you'll find a few good video's about Mormon's on the ppsimmons and Channel. Carl has clearly laid out his opinion in this Blog so likley won't reply but surely appreciates our comments.

  8. I feel as if you missed the spirit of my post. I have no ill will against the Mormon religion, in fact, as far as organized religion goes the Mormon church is one of the most supportive, friendly, god loving groups of people I have ever known.

    I do not consider myself to be Mormon, I do not bar myself within the constraints of any one christian sect that demands you adhere to their particular version of Christianity. I instead rely on a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ to show me the way. However, I may not have that relationship were it not for the Mormon missionaries that came to our house when I was a child.

    My parents did not attend church, and my mother desperately prayed that she could find a congregation that would help her teach her children about God. Not a God of hell fire and damnation, but of love and forgiveness. Yet, in all here life no church had shared her view of god, they preached that God was vengeful and demanded your absolute obedience. The Mormon missionaries were the first church goers that told my mother that they agreed God was love, forgiveness, and understanding.

    Now perhaps they hold some views that are not accurate to the word of the bible, however, they believe in one True God, they believe that Jesus Christ was his son and that he died for us, and beyond that who cares? For anyone to says that because Mormons hold a more loose interpretation of the Trinity than other Christians they are going hell, is entirely misguided. Perhaps they are wrong, but does it matter?, they live every day of there lives helping others and raising their families (of course there are people who only pretend to do so like in any religion) what is evil about that?

    Jesus said "he without sin may throw the first stone", so even if the Mormons are wrong about a few things who are you to say that they will be damned for it? That is judgmental, and frankly the work of Satan who wants nothing more than for the followers of God to shun one another and fight bloody crusades over the interpretation of a few bible passages. Do you really think that is what God wants?

    I tell you what, when the economy declined my dad go laid off, and we could not even afford food. Even though we had not been active in the Mormon church for almost 10 years they provided us food so that we would be able to pay the mortgage and keep our house. You know why?, because regardless of what you believe it is the Mormon philosophy that everyone within a certain distance of the church is their responsibility. That means they hold them selves responsible for making sure they have food, shelter, and way to find God.

    As I said I am not Mormon, but I have spent a lot of time around Mormons, and they are good people. I say this not in and attempt to convert you only to remind you that Jesus preached that you must "Love thine enemy". If you are supposed to love those people who directly oppose God (the enemy) how could justify, by Jesus' example, showing such wanton hate towards a group that has (at least in my life) spread nothing but good will. I hope you will reflect on this, you can claim me to be deceived by Satan if you wish, but I will turn the other cheek as Jesus taught. Because my faith is stronger than most people I have ever met, my connection with God is stronger than it has ever been, and I live my life not by the word of the Bible, but by the example that Jesus set for us, and maybe you should as well.
