Zev Porat

Monday, November 12, 2012

DO OVER! Calls go out for Re-Run of the Presidential Election 2012

The Call has gone out amongst decent law abiding American citizens for a Re-Run of the Presidential Election, on the grounds that there was colossal State to State Election fraud, organized and managed by Democrat Agents of the Obama Regime. The discovery of8000 Absentee Military Votes in  Congressman Allen West’s District has sparked the clamor for a Re Run, which is being mirrored and echoed up and down the country, along with reports of frequent multiple voting by illegals being bussed in to Swing States, along with highly suspicious and dubious reports of 141% of Obama Vote happening in States.  There were also various reports of Black Panther mobs at the Polls bullying and intimidating voters, and facilitating electoral impersonation and fraud by their proxies and accomplices. Another thing that must be banned is the Vote by Mail and Proxy Vote Systems which can be manipulated to their great advantage by criminal syndicates, hell bent on electing their candidate.

Further focus is centering on the suspect electronic voting system SCTYL, as numerous Conservative voters  State Wide  reported their vote for Romney changed to Obama. This flawed system is outsourced to a Spanish Company owned by George Soros, the Arch Backer of Barack Hussein Obama. Equally the specter of alleged early voting irregularities are also widespread throughout the whole country, rendering the whole Presidential Election Null and Void in the eyes of many.
This Grand Scale Larceny and Voter Fraud perpetrated on the American people must be righted, and the GOP, Electoral State Commissions and SCOTUS must order a Re-Run of the Presidential Election, otherwise we are living in a Banana Republic under the Obama Regime, with the prospect of much worse and more punitive measures being levied upon American Citizens, by an allegedly undemocratically elected POTUS and Senate.

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