Zev Porat

Monday, November 12, 2012

On Veterans Day: Mojave cross restored

CIMA, Calif. (BP) -- It has been a decade since 68-year-old Wanda Sandoz last saw the 6-foot-tall pipe cross in the Mojave Desert. She remembers when, as a school bus driver, she passed by the memorial to World War I's fallen soldiers four times a day.

"I loved seeing it there, and I'm glad that I'd already retired when the box went on it," she said, referring to a plywood container that covered the cross for eight years before the entire structure was stolen in 2010.

But on Veteran's Day, after 13 years of litigation, including a U.S. Supreme Court case, Wanda and her husband Henry, 73, were finally able to fulfill a promise made to a friend in 1984 and see the cross legally reinstated on Sunrise Rock in the Mojave National Preserve. The federal government completed a lengthy land transfer on Nov. 9 and Henry's newly made pipe cross was unveiled on Sunday, Veterans Day.

read more http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=39140&ref=BPNews-RSSFeed1112

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