Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of the unfavorable truce, [which baffled many Israelis][1], that it was right to return calm to the region as soon as possible. Netanyahu said Israel is interested in a long-term cessation of hostilities, an end to conflict.
But, just as most Israelis feared, it appears groups like Hamas will only use the days and months of calm ahead to prepare for the next round of violence. And they will apparently have majority support among the public for doing so.
The Palpress survey, which was actually an Internet referendum, showed that 64 percent of Palestinian Arabs oppose a long-term ceasefire with Israel in the Gaza Strip.
And why would they vote otherwise? The circumstances of the ceasefire - it was called while Hamas was still attacking Israel - and the subsequent Hamas celebrations in Gaza gave the impression that the terrorists had won the brief war with Israel. For all intents and purposes, in Palestinian eyes, Israel surrendered.
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