Zev Porat

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shock Video Shows ‘Syrian Rebels’ Testing Chemical Weapons

A shocking You Tube video shows alleged Syrian rebels testing chemical weapons on lab rabbits before making threats to use them against Syria’s pro-Assad Alawite population.

The video is particularly pertinent given reports yesterday that claim President Bashar Al-Assad has ordered the Syrian military to load “the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs,” in preparation for fighter jets to drop the bombs on the civilian population. The Syrian government has repeatedly denied that it will use chemical weapons in its war against opposition rebels.
The evidence contained in the video suggests that the rebels are just as likely to be considering the prospect of using chemical weapons. The clip, obtained by the Syria Tribune, shows lab equipment and chemical containers. Some of the containers display English writing and some bear the label of Tekkim, a Turkish chemicals company.


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