No students were involved in the case, Miami-Dade County Public Schools spokesman John Schuster said.
The assistant, Elliot Davis, 43, allegedly put a pen camera inside an artificial plant in the hopes of recording female staff members as they removed their clothes, Miami-Dade Schools police said in a report.
Thursday, a teacher using the restroom noticed the pen and then brought it to the principal’s office, the report said.
But school security video showed Davis sneaking into the office, placing the pen in his pocket and then sneaking out, police said.
Davis allegedly confessed to an investigator, who wrote in the report, “He placed the camera in the restroom in order to view women naked due to his addiction to porn."
Davis also said that he used the camera at a separate location in order to video a female relative nude, the investigator wrote.
Davis’ wife said she had no comment.
The school’s principal declined to comment, except to say the matter is under investigation.
Davis was taken into custody on charges of burglary to an unoccupied structure, tampering with physical evidence and video voyeurism, a police report said.
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