Zev Porat

Saturday, January 19, 2013

1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890

From freerepublic.com

As reported here back in May of 2011 skip-tracer and debt collector Al Hendershot uncovered an alias tied to Barack Obama's Connecticut social security number and Michelle Obama.
Dr. Orly Taitz found the 1940 New York Census at Ancestry.com. The image below is taken from that census which list Harry Bounel and also shows he was born in 1890. That is the same year connected to Obama's social security number. It's also reported Bounel lived in Connecticut at one point. Obama's social security number is a number reserved for CT applicants.
Here are some excerpts from Dr. Taitz's blog on her research efforts in regards to Bounel:
According to 1940 census Harry Bounel was born in Russia in 1890. This is the date of birth on some of Lexis records associated with the Social Security number 042-68-4425, worked as a helper in a store.
Also, we had some records showing Harry Bounel residing with Robinson family in CT in 1910.
We see Bounel residing in CT in 1910. The Social Security was issued in 1977 in CT. He was 87 at that time. There was a hospital next to Newton. It was a Newtown psychiatric hospital, where some elderly without family resided their last days.
I see Newtown is right next to DANBURY (where you had placed the switched identities Obama and his Connecticut Social Security number. You had surmised that the identity was taken from someone at a local Danbury NURSING HOME.
What we found out that in 1976-1977, when new SSN laws were adopted, when this CT SNN 042-68-4425 was issued either in Danbury or in Stamford CT Social Security office (both near the hospital) elderly individuals needed to get a SSN in order to get medicare benefits.

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