Friday, January 11, 2013

Anti-Gay Pastor Facing Federal Lawsuit for “Crimes Against Humanity”

An American pastor is facing a federal lawsuit filed by a George Soros-funded organization alleging that the pastor’s messages on homosexuality are a “crime against humanity” – a lawsuit that some Christians fear might have far-reaching consequences for church mission groups.
Scott Lively, a Massachusetts pastor known for his opposition to homosexuality, was sued by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). They claim that he incited the persecution of homosexuals in Uganda.
Lively traveled to Uganda in 2009 where he delivered messages that shared his Biblical views on homosexuality.
The visit coincided with that nation’s legislature considered a bill that would have imposed the death penalty for the “offense of homosexuality.”
“This is absolutely outrageous, “ Liberty Counsel founder Mathew Staver told Fox News. “If this case is not dismissed, we will be having an American pastor that lives in the United States on trial for alleged crimes against humanity. And what are those crimes? He spoke out on homosexuality.

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