Friday, January 11, 2013

Billy Graham Group reaches out to PPSIMMONS Operative - "Billy's a Freemason! No, wait! He's NOT a Freemason!"

You've heard the rumors. The internet abounds with stories about Billy Graham's alleged membership in Freemasonry. The rumors suggest Graham is a 33rd level Mason, the highest level in the famous cult.

But is it true?

A PPSIMMONS operative took it upon herself to reach out to the Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA) through their official facebook page and received a strange response.

Here is the actual message sent to the BGEA...

Here is the response from the BGEA rep...

Wait... what? Did the Billy Graham representative just confirm that he's a Freemason? Not so fast! Is Billy Graham moderating his own facebook page? We only ask because there seems to be a typical "seniors moment" going on here. Our operative responded with...

We mean no disrespect, certainly, but this exchange is more than a little concerning. Our operative was contacted again by the BGEA rep in an attempt to clear things up the following day.

Well there you have it. The official Billy Graham facebook page (it's official, we checked) confirmed Graham's membership in the Freemason cult and then, the very next day, made an about-face and denied his membership in the Freemason cult and pleaded with us to get the word out. Billy Graham is not a 33rd degree Mason... we think. Actually we're still not sure. Was the moderator rebuked for confirming the rumors and then told to back-peddle? Was it truly an honest mistake made by the moderator of a facebook page with nearly half a million members? The mystery continues.


  1. What are you doing???? Seriously??? It looks like an obvious typing mistake, they were contemplating whether to say "this is untrue" or "this is not true" and rushed their response most likely because it is a ridiculous accusation and they have more important matters to focus on like expanding the kingdom of God. You should be careful is your judgement of people. If Billy Graham is not a freemason and really has led countless thousands to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ are you willing to stand before God and state why you spread division (which is an abomination in Gods eyes)?

    1. We are ONLY interested in the truth... that's all! Not seeking division AT ALL. It's not nice to throw such accusations around.

      [Love] Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
      1 Corinthians 13:6

  2. "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16

    That looks like a typo and they have clearly stated he was not and is not involved. Asking the question is fine, but remember God's commandment in Exodus. If you don't know their intent was to confirm he was involved and you have clear evidence to the contrary then please for your own sake do not state that any involvement with Freemasonry was confirmed.
