Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Anti-gun Liberals threaten to kill Bob Powell and rape his wife! Amazing story!


We live in a violent world. American citizens are much more likely to be killed by lightning than by international terrorism, that's a given; but the odds of being killed in a violent crime increase dramatically here at home, among our shopping malls and movie theaters. Mass shootings like the ones in Newtown and Aurora (isn't it sad that we now know these beautiful small towns by a singular name, forever equated with unparalleled tragedy) are horrific for sure, but nobody says anything about the fact that there is a Newtown-type body count on the streets of Chicago every single weekend, or that more people were murdered in that city last year than the total number of soldiers and Marines who died in Afghanistan during the same time period. Nearly all of the victims in Chicago were killed with handguns.

Even in the tranquil woods of Northern Michigan there is need to be concerned for one's personal safety; this writer's in particular, as I have been the target of numerous death threats over the internet and to my office telephone because of my support for conservative commentator Michelle Malkin and the 2nd Amendment.

Read the rest at

1 comment:

  1. Bob Powell is a Good ,God loveing Man.. Hang in there Bud..I'm spreading this around.
