Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Is Michelle Obama promoting COMMUNIST UTOPIA by dressing like STAR TREK CHARACTER???

UPDATE! Barack Obama is a Star Trek fan according to Leonard Nimoy!

 "I do believe that President Obama means it when he says that he is 100 percent interested in space," Nimoy told reporters. "I know for sure he's a Star Trek fan," he said, because the first time the two men met, President Obama made Spock's traditional V-shaped finger spread.

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Could it be a simple case of role-playing here? Something erotic. Hey - no judgment here! Whatever floats your boat!


 President Obama and Nichelle Nichols practice the ‘Live long and prosper’ signal.
“Star Trek” fans — particularly those who vote Democrat — are beaming over a photo posted Tuesday night by Lt. Uhura herself.

Actress Nichelle Nichols posted a picture of herself in the Oval Office with President Obama, both showing the geeky Vulcan “Live long and prosper” hand gesture.

The culturally historic meeting brings the fan base to a universe where it has never gone before, even for nerdy Trekkies who can recite Shakespearean sonnets in Klingon.

During her run on the original “Star Trek” series, on CBS from 1966 through 1969, Nichols’ Uhuru proved to be a landmark role for African-American performers on television. Uhura and William Shatner’s Captain Kirk shared the first on-screen interracial kiss in television history.

President Obama, who himself boldly went where no man has gone before as the first African-American elected to the White House, is an admitted comic fan and “Star Trek” geek.

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  1. Is this tongue in cheek ?
    Are you actually serious ?

    My respect for PPSIMMONS is slowly eroding

    1. All of the best humor has a distinguishable element of truth in it.

  2. The second picture with the Romulan is photoshopped with the top being the Romulan and the botton from Michelle
