Zev Porat

Sunday, February 24, 2013

PAPER - Liberalism Rooted In the Garden (PPSIMMONS Exclusive)

By Chris Farrell: 50 year-old spiritually born from above Believer in the risen Lord Jesus of the Bible, the Christ who came in the flesh. Honorably discharged US Army veteran and recent college graduate from Lowell, Massachusetts living in New Orleans.

The division within the Republican Party is spiritual in nature. ‘A house divided cannot stand.’

Many so-called Christian Conservatives who claim to be on the right have bought into the false creation paradigm constructed by delusional Liberal-socialist’s in order to defend their faulty worldview which, at its root, denies the Creator, the risen Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, from whom all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and elevates Man, or more specifically certain elite men, above mere mortals to be mysteriously endowed with an innate authority to rule—to have dominion over the rest of mankind.
The Christian Church in America must weed out the Liberal tares which now propagate the seeds which Satan planted in the Garden of Eden. Likewise, the Republican Party must weed out the Liberal infestation within the field of its ranks or face continued defeat and its ultimate demise.
Until America returns to biblical standards of righteousness and the Christian Church in America adamantly refutes the infiltration of the liberal "theology" into the Church and puts out that which it has up to now put up with there is no hope for our nation recovering from the dismal situation in which she presently finds herself. America’s problems are fundamentally spiritual in nature.

Faulty Developmental Foundation of Liberal Textual Criticism:
“An evolutionary understanding of history and an anthropocentric view of religion dominated the 19th century. The prevailing thinkers viewed religion as devoid of any divine intervention, explaining it as a natural development produced by man’s subjective needs.” (‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell, Volume II, Pg. 55. Here’s Life Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-918956-73-0.)
That the then-current evolutionary philosophy of Hegel had a definite effect on Old Testament studies is clearly attested to by Herbert Hahn:
“The conception of historical development was the chief contribution of the liberal critics to the exegesis of the Old Testament. It is true, of course, that this conception did not grow merely from an objective reading of the sources. In a larger sense, it was a reflection of the intellectual temper of the times. The genetic conception of Old Testament history fitted in with the evolutionary principle of interpretation prevailing in contemporary science and philosophy. In the natural sciences, the influence of Darwin had made the theory of evolution the predominant hypothesis affecting research.”
“In every department of historical investigation the conception of development was being used to explain the history of man’s thought, his institutions, and even his religious faiths. It was not strange that the same principle should be applied to the explanation of Old Testament history. In every age exegesis has concormed (Sic) to the thought forms of the time, and in the latter half of the nineteenth century thought was dominated by the scientific methos and an evolutionary view of history. 31/9,10” (‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell, Volume II, Pg. 55. Here’s Life Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-918956-73-0. Siting 31: Hahn, Herbert F. The Old Testament in Modern Research. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966.)
“In the historical sciences and in the areas of religious and philosophical thought, the evolutionary concept had begun to exercise a powerful influence after Hegel had substituted the notion of ‘becoming’ for the idea of ‘being.’ He had arrived at the notion by a priori reasoning without testing it by scientific application to observable fact, but Hegel was none the less the intellectual progenitor of the modern point of view.” (McDowell, Pg.55. 31/9,10. Siting 31: Hahn, Herbert F. The Old Testament in Modern Research. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966.)

So, the 'Darwinian' theory of evolution—existent long before Mr. Darwin popularized it—was applied to literary textual criticism, and especially the textual criticism of biblical texts and the Graf-Wellhausen Documentary Hypothesis was spawned. The Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis is based upon conjecture and pre-supposition and outright fabrications such as the purported J/E/P/D structure of supposed source documents for which not a single scrap of evidence exists, and it was the Graf-Wellhausen documentarians who spawned the complete spectrum of blind radical historical-critical schools of textual criticism: Form Criticism, "Modern" Criticism, Source Criticism, Radical Criticism, Liberal Criticism, "Progressive" Criticism, etc. ad nauseum.

Therein lay the roots of liberal theology which denies the authority of Scripture and provides the excuse for its proponents to advance ‘Forward’ blindly in sin.

It is Written:
”For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Professing to be wise, they became fools.
and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evilmindedness, they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
undiscerning, untrustworthy, un-loving, unforgiving, unmerciful;
who knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans 1:18-32. The Spirit Filled Bible. Personal Study Bible Unveiling God’s Fullness In All God’s Word. New King James Version. Thomas Neal, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. Copyright 1983.Bible. Pg. 1688-89.)

Developmental Deception:
Liberal “theologians” first ask rhetorically, just like the serpent in the Garden, Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1), and then they go about attempting to prove by way of their indefensible, faulty methods of textual criticism that God really did not say, or convey in His Word, precisely what is written. Pay close attention to what the Serpent did. He not only questioned whether or not God had said something, but he twisted the actual command God had given, for God had not commanded that Man not eat “…of every tree of the garden…,’ but only of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Then liberal "theologians" proceed to insert into their contrived developmental theories which they assert are a reality surrounding the compilation of the texts assembled within the Bible Man's motives behind the authorship of the texts within, as they say, Man’s Sitz en Leben, (any situational construct they wish to posit—to dream up—as a reality reflecting any given contemporaneous and colloquial historical social setting. They simply concoct a “community” howsoever they wish to define it at any given time in order to suit their agenda.)

The liberal “theologians” maintain that man, or certain elite men to be more specific, Sociologically defined as "Master Thinkers" or as Bastiat facetiously called them “Supermen,” purportedly endowed with greater mental and spiritual capacities by what power they do not say, with a Sociologically described Verstehen, (higher knowledge, superhuman insight, i.e. γνώσίς), men who have embraced the second part of Satan’s original lie as truth and believe that they are superior beings—who believe that they can be like gods, (“For God doth know, that in the day ye eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened: and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Gen. 3:5, Webster’s Bible Translation)), wrote the Bible according to the liberal’s undefined construct of a “community’s” situational needs when the respective biblical texts were penned—situational needs which change over time as do contemporaneous situational ethics.

“Hegel presupposes that the whole of human history is a process through which mankind has been making spiritual and moral progress, it is what human mind has done in the course of its advance to self-knowledge…” (McDowell, Pg. 56.) Nota bene the hyphenated word ‘self-knowledge.’ That would be a gnostic concept.

W.F. Albright, W.W. Spence Professor of Semitic Languages from 1929-1958 at John Hopkins University and sometime director of the American Schools of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, was, until his death in 1971, considered by many to be the foremost biblical archaeologist in the world. His work has forced many critics to completely reassess their conclusions regarding the history of Israel. About Wellhausen’s application of Hegel’s philosophical theories to the history of Israel, Albright said:
“He tried, by means of Hegelian analogy with pre-Islamic and Islamic Arabia, to build a system for the development of Israel’s history, religion, and literature which would fit his critical analysis. Wellhausen’s structure was so brilliant and afforded such a simple, apparently uniform interpretation that it was adopted almost universally by liberal Protestant scholars, and even largely by Catholic and Jewish scholars. There were, of course some exceptions, but in nearly all places where men were thoroughly schooled by learning Hebrew and Greek and absorbing the critical method, they also learned Wellhausenian principles. Unfortunately all of this was developed in the infancy of archaeology, and was of very little value in interpreting history.” 6/15(‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell, Volume II, Pp. 56-57. Here’s Life Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-918956-73-0. Siting 6: Albright, W.F. Archaeology, Historical Analogy, and Early Biblical Tradition. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1966. Bold emphasis added.)

Wright speaking of Albright says that he “has amassed archaeological fact upon fact in his review of the Bible’s setting in the world in order to show that Wellhausen’s developmental scheme, ultimately drawn from the idealistic philosophy of Hegel, no longer fits the facts as they are now known.” 199/45(‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell, Volume II, Pg. 67. Here’s Life Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-918956-73-0. Siting 199: Wright, G. Ernest. “Archaeology and Old Testament Studies,” Journal of Biblical Literature. December, 1958. Vol. 77, pp. 39-51.)

The Stones Cry Out:
“…all six of the documentarians’ presuppositions…” “…must be regarded as invalid. Anti-supernaturalism…” “…must be rejected on the grounds that it claims to have absolute truth regarding the existence of God or the extent and nature of His intervention in the natural order of the universe, i.e., either His existence or His divine intervention is ruled out as an impossibility on an a priori basis.
Another of these presuppositions (an a priori distrust of Old Testament record) must be rejected since it flies in the face of an accepted cannon of criticism that has stood the test of time, having guided literary and historical scholars since the time of Aristotle.
The remaining four presuppositions (evolutionary view of Israel’s history; priority of source analysis over verifiable methodology; legendary view of patriarchal narratives; and the assumption that there was no writing in Israel during the Mosaic age) have all been soundly refuted by archaeology.” (‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell, Volume II, Pg. 86. Here’s Life Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-918956-73-0.)

The Religion of Liberalism:
The religion of Liberalism’s elevation of elite “legislative leaders,” to borrow a description from Frederic Bastiat, characterized within the doctrines of Liberalism that are incorporated in the writings of the subjective “science” of Sociology as “Master Thinkers, is a manifestation among those who consider themselves so elevated of malignant narcissism, which is nothing less than a reflection in men’s hearts and minds of the arrogant pride which preceded Lucifer’s being cast out of Heaven.

Liberal-Socialism’s moral relativism—as opposed to the belief in absolute truth—is the cornerstone of the liberal perversions of the concepts of pluralism, diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, and tolerance; which are all deviously united as a counterfeit to the absolute truth incorporated in the Word of God—the Light of the world—in a diabolical rainbow of faulty assertions advanced under an intellectually indefensible banner of “political correctness.”

 “Because this is an age of religious pluralism and syncretism (that is, a diluting of truth for the sake of unity), Christ’s lordship is deemed irrelevant by many religious groups that believe one religion is as good as another. His preeminence is denied by others that place the Christian stamp upon a fusion of beliefs from several religions. Usually hailed as an advance beyond apostolic Christianity, this blend promises self-fulfillment and freedom without surrender to Christ.” (The Spirit Filled Bible. Personal Study Bible Unveiling God’s Fullness In All God’s Word. New King James Version. Thomas Neal, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. Copyright 1983. ‘Personal Application’ Pg. 1811.)

“‘Pluralism is inadmissible whenever it is at variance with what God has revealed in His Word.19.’” “It is quite obvious that fragments of truth are to be found in the prophetic repositories of pluralism. Those whom the apostle called to account for preaching ‘another gospel’ are not said to completely lack truth. But their message is adulterated and laced with errors, violating the essential criterion of the Word concerning the glorious person and all-sufficiency of the finished redemption of Christ (1 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 2: 1,2), The false gospels of non-Christian religions, in fact, frequently add doctrines that are as dangerous as what they omit and may well turn the hearer’s hearts against Christian truth. ‘The challenge of pluralism, therefore, is not to compound this mixture of truth with untruth in the gospels of pluralism but to displace the perverted gospel of the world with the pure gospel revealed from heaven by the Spirit of God in the Person of Christ.’20.” (Demons In the World Today. A Study of Occultism in the Light of God’s Word. By Merrill F. Unger. Th. D., Ph. D., Copyright 1971. Ch. 8. Pp. 158-159.)

“People who feel that all religions are good and who are unable to ‘discern spirits’ (1 Corinthians 12:10) are ready prospects for demonic deception.” (Demons in the World Today. A Study of Occultism in the Light of God's Word. By: Merrill F. Unger. Th. D., Ph. D. copyright 1971. pg.155.)

Doctrinal Delusion:
"The danger of delusion increases in these last days as demonic activity accelerates and serious study of God’s Word wanes. It is a patent fact that sound Bible teaching often is lacking in circles that highlight miracles and healings and gifts of the Spirit. Sometimes the so-called ‘distinctive truths’ are mere doctrinal hobbies and perversions of the Word of God. When these focus on anything other than Jesus Christ and the full scriptural revelation, counterfeit powers of demons may infiltrate lives.

This warning is desperately needed by God’s born-again people (1 John 4:1). Present-day Christians must recognize that the Bible, rightly understood and implicitly obeyed, is the only sure protection against demonic delusion and despoilment. Evil powers can accomplish their deceptions only when the Word of God is ignored or disdained—and many Christians are susceptible to demonic influence today because they have ignored God’s revelation in his Word. The Bible is impregnable armor for the Christian—when he lives in it!” (Merrill F. Unger, Th. D., Ph. D. Demons in the World Today. A Study of Occultism in the Light of God’s Word. Carol Stream, IL 60188: Tyndale House Publishers, 1971.)

“Although some people regard the pursuit of doctrinal accuracy as an unspiritual intellectualism, sound doctrine is actually very important to sound spirituality. Christian doctrine teaches us about God, His purposes and will for our lives, what we are like spiritually apart from God’s grace, how God’s grace changes us; in short, everything we need to know in order to pursue true spirituality (Rom. 6:17-18; 1 Tim. 1:5, 10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). Doctrine provides external, objective controls for our inward, subjective experiences so that we may discern genuine spirituality from fraudulent, artificial, or even demonic spirituality (Col. 2:22-23; 1 John 4:1-3).
In pursuing an accurate understanding of Christian doctrine, we are fulfilling one aspect of God’s greatest commandment—that we love God with all our minds (Matt. 22:37). This commandment surely implies that we should take great care and make every effort to conform our beliefs and convictions to the truth (cf. Rom. 12:2)—and this means doctrine.” (Bowman, Robert M., Jr. “A Biblical Guide To Orthodoxy and Heresy (Part One: The Case For Doctrinal Discernment).” Christian Research Institute Statement DO080.)

“The Bible clearly teaches that the end times will be characterized by a strong spiritual delusion that blinds many from the true gospel and also leads those who have believed into apostasy.” (Another Jesus: The Ecumenical Christ and the New Evangelization. By Roger Oakland with Jim Tetlow.Copyright 2004. Pg. 12.)

Liberal-socialism is nothing more than revived Gnosticism or neo-gnosticism. “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” (King James Bible "Authorized Version", Pure Cambridge Edition.)
Sociology codifies many of the doctrines and tenets of the religion/philosophical ideology/worldview of Liberal-Socialism, or Liberalism, which has a Secular-humanist branch and a Theistic-evolutionary branch.

The Secular-humanist branch maintains that everything that exists resulted long ago when nothing—for nothing existed—went “Bang!” and Voila!—everything that is came into existence. Secular-humanism is solipsistic on its surface.

Theistic-evolution is far more deceitful for it permits Liberal-socialists to claim to be Christian while they simultaneously reject God’s written Word’s creation narrative. The majority of people in America today believe in the indefensible hundreds of millions of years assertions as opposed to the biblical account of creation.

The pressing need for Liberalism to reject Jesus Christ as Creator is why Mr. Obama found it necessary to again and again deliberately omit the word 'Creator' from his quotes from our nation's founding documents. The one thing that unites Liberal-socialists and Muslims is their determination to deny that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, with certain unalienable rights including the right to life, (all men would of course include unborn babies,) and the right to liberty, (not to be confused with hedonistic licentiousness.)

Mounting Scientific Evidence Disproving Theories of Evolution:
Micro-biologists and those working on unraveling the phenomenal complexity of the "simplest" cells are rapidly crushing the Darwinian evolutionists faith in life emerging from pools of materials suspended in water under mountains of evidence which prove such an hypothesis as irrational. The complexity of DNA defies the possibility of it ever in googles of bazillions of years of having organized itself into the apparent quad-code structure that is observed within its incomprehensibly intelligent design.

Delusional Denial of the Creator:
Recognition by Americans of the 'rule of the Creator,' the Lord Jesus of the Bible, the Christ, is an imperative if we are to have hope that God would bless America as 'We the People' sometimes prayerfully sing.

If Americans do not recognize as Creator the Lord Jesus of the Bible, (not to be confused with the myriad other Jesus's within innumerable cults today), and as Source of the unalienable rights with which all men are endowed—a recognition so plainly seen by the Founders of this nation that they found it to be a self-evident truth—then it is only a natural political progression for them to attribute those unalienable rights to another source, even 'another Jesus'—to identify those rights as originating somewhere other than from an immutable, eternal, omniscient, Holy God, Creator of all that is.

'Big government' "progressive,” Liberal-socialists will, quite naturally, gravitate towards an ideology which determines Man’s unalienable rights as originating from..., you guessed it, ...the state.

More insidious, in so far as it is less obvious, is the natural gravitation of the so-called 'conservative,' so-called 'Christian’ right who, a majority of the time, assume an accommodating, unbiblical ideological position which corresponds to recognition of the Liberal's substitutionary source from whence all men's rights emanate. The so-called ‘Conservative Christian right’ too embraces the Liberal's creatively constructed, imaginary alternative from where the unalienable rights with which all men are endowed by their Creator may falsely be asserted to have originated.

This advances of the Liberal-socialist left into the camp of the Christian conservative right has been achieved through the employment of the Hegelian dialectic, a modern application of the first part of Satan’s original dualistic lie: ‘Did God Really?’ Just as our greatest grandmother synthesized an untruth into what God had actually said in her response to the Serpent, the Hegelian dialectic requires a synthesis of a lie with the truth…, the antithesis mixed with a truthful thesis arriving at a synthesis.

The so-called Conservative Christian right has been incrementally moved further and further away from the Truth in God’s Word unto the unsure footing—the shifting sands—of today’s Republican platform –without reliance upon God. Americans used to trust in God. The one-time Christian conservative Republican right has been deceived just as Eve was in the Garden when she augmented the truth with a lie in her response to the Serpent.

In doing so, so-called Christian conservatives within the Republican party facilitate the deterioration of the recognition of the unalienable quality of the rights men have been endowed with by their Creator proportionally to the degree to which they too concur with the Liberal-socialist left in denying the Creator, reducing those unalienable rights to a level of retractability as demonstrated by, for example, the passing of the NDAA by members of BOTH parties.
If the 'creative community' concept of the religion of Liberalism determines the rights that men are endowed with to be one thing at one moment in time—and it does—but another at some later period in time, then no man is justified, according to Liberal-socialist dogma, to question the moral parameters which Liberal legislator community organizer 'superhero' leaders do at any given moment determined to be acceptable. To do so would be intolerant! Does the immense hypocrisy and insanity of the proponents of Liberalism’s solipsistic 'reasoning' yet stand out for the reader to see? Liberalism is delusional; it is a mental disorder and a manifestation of spiritual illness.

Amazingly, for lack of any sound argument to defend said alternate source to the Creator, the risen Lord Jesus Christ who came in the Flesh to atone for Man’s sin, which the so-called Christian conservative right has embraced, the nominal “Christian” Conservative Right turns away from the Bible to the same delusionally re-defined constructs of the Liberal left's concepts of political correctness, tolerance, pluralism, inclusiveness, multiculturalism, unity, diversity, etc…, etc..., as the moral foundation upon which to attempt to justify their Neo-conservative political posture and qualify, according to whatever contemporaneous position upon the continuum of morally relativistic postures they should at any time determine that the rest of us should accept as truth, the extension of certain anything-but-unalienable rights unto all men—some men more than others actually—instead—of returning to the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ upon which this Christian nation, exceptional in all of human history, was founded and has been so richly blessed by God.

Resorting to the morally relative, currently popular Liberal perversions of the concepts of political correctness, tolerance, pluralism, inclusiveness, diversity, multi-culturalism, unity, etc..., upon which to base one's ideological principles and laws establishes those principles, embraced as RELIGIOUS beliefs, upon shifting sands of moral relativism and too relegates the pronouncement of just what contemporaneously popular version of said Liberal concepts shall be acceptable at any given moment in time in the future to whomsoever within the Liberal construct of a "community," within their sociologically purported ‘Sitz en Leben, that is to say’ happens to be in leadership position—the 'superhero' du jour so to speak—to re-define as said enigmatically gifted “supermen’ see fit to re-define within their accommodatingly self-described ‘Sitz en Leben,’ whatever they wish to define as the prevailing "Zeitgeist," or spirit of the age. This permits adherents to the religion of Liberalism to re-define standards of morality according to the lusts of their hearts. Liberalism’s so-called ‘Zeitgeist,’ their “spirit of the age” is the spirit of the anti-christ. The “Change” that the religion of Liberalism advocates is always on a continuum of whatsoever within their morally relative worldview their self-proclaimed “Master Thinkers” think it should be. At its root the “Change” advocated by Liberals is always hedonistic and licentious.

The liberal's "superhero" community organizer/legislator leaders must at each and every step ‘Forward’ in time within the "progressive" Liberal-socialist "democratic" plan for America to “Change” according to their delusional, irrational "logic" be extended the authority to dictate precisely what is or is not politically correct; is or is not to be tolerated; is or is not sufficiently pluralistic; is or is not adequately inclusive; is or is not acceptably multi-cultural; is or is not appropriately unified or diverse. Nota bene the word "dictate" in the last sentence and its relationship to the word ‘dictator’ and beware.

Everything to the liberal is relative including morality to time and place, yet they cannot answer rationally from whence their relative morality originates. They have very convenient situational ethics that they themselves—self-proclaimed elite, enigmatically gifted with great new insight “Master Thinkers,” gods unto themselves—can modify according to their will and justify in their own hearts and minds by whatsoever situational crisis they choose to use to justify their morality du jour.

Liberal Accommodation of Sin:
It is by means of employing the faulty radical historical-critical biblical textual criticism that liberal "theologians" attempt to justify the sin of homosexuality as biblically acceptable when nothing could be clearer in the Word of God than the fact that homosexuality is sin. The Liberal-socialist toleration of the sin of homosexuality as socially acceptable is most convenient for sodomites like the criminal usurper of the presidency of the United States, the ‘Manchurian’ Muslim from Mombasa, ‘Bath House Barry’ Soetoro, a.k.a. Harrison J. Bounel, otherwise known as Mr. Barack ‘King Hussein’ Obama, Jr. as well as on his mother’s passport, Soebarkah.

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding just who Barack’s real father is: Frank Marshall Davis? The man named Obama born in the British protectorate of East Africa now called Kenya? Malcolm X? Satan started lying to Man in the Garden and the Liberal-socialists continue with the work of their father to this day. It is written in the Book of John 8:44, You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (Topicalbible.org—AKJV.)
Though there may be doubt as to just who is the biological father of Mr. Barack Hussein’ Obama, Jr.—or whatever his true, legal name happens to be—there is no doubt as to who his spiritual father is.

Victory In Jesus:
“One of the most subtle roles of demons is the perverting of revealed truth. They never cease in their endeavor to turn men away from the gospel of Christ and to deny and distort the Word of God. Their activity started when Satan used a threefold strategy of opposition to God (Isaiah 14: 12-14), confirmed falsehood (Genesis 3:4), and slander of the divine goodness (Genesis 3:5; cf. John 8:44). Down through the centuries Satan and his host of demon helpers, who make his presence and power practically ubiquitous, have used the same strategy to tempt men.

When man succumbed to Satan’s blandishments, he lost his Edenic innocence and his fellowship with God (Genesis 3:8) and fell under the control of evil spiritual powers, who encourage fallen man to rebel against God’s Word and will. As God began to work in redemption (Genesis 3:9-15; 21; cf. John 5:17; 9:4; 17:4), Satan’s spiritual hosts waged a persistent and endless counter-campaign to keep man ignorant of divinely revealed truth and redemptive grace in Christ. Satanic strategy always aims to deceive men to the greatest degree possible.

            If ‘the god of this world’ cannot totally blind the unbeliever’s mind and thus completely hide the gospel from him (2 Corinthians 4:4), he will seduce the believer to the best of his ability. To keep the believer from the simplicity and purity of the gospel and grace he will encourage all sorts of errors. This is Satan’s attempt to retain some degree of control over those who come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Doctrinal error obscures revelation and gives Satan and demonic forces a toehold. Evil powers can confuse man in his attempt to interpret truth, but they cannot penetrate the sure defense of God’s infallible Word. The Holy Bible, God’s revealed Word, points us to Christ’s victory over Satan at the cross. He alone can deliver us from evil and from the evil one.” (Demons In The World Today. A Study of Occultism in the Light of God's Word. By: Merrill F. Unger. Th. D., Ph. D. Copyright 1971. Ch. 8: pg.147-148. Emphasis added.)


  1. We hear all the time this thing about "hate speech." Well, what in the world would the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution be other than hate speech? The Colonists hated the authoritarian, inhumane rule of King George III, who wouldn't recognize the Colonists Natural Rights. So the Colonists wrote the Declaration and the Constitution to show the King those things which he should love, too. How can you love your neighbor if you strip him of his Natural Rights? The servant is not greater than the master, but even the master has to serve the dictates of the Natural Law written in his heart. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
    "My country, right or wrong; when right to be kept right, when wrong to be made right."
    "To form a more perfect Union."
    "For God and Country."

  2. Republicans need to understand how their "Fair and Balanced" philosophy is, in truth, an infiltration into their worldview—their mindset—by means of Hegelian synthesis, synthesis of a truth with and untruth, a thesis with an antithesis, that only leads to compromise and more “Fair and Balanced” compromise.

    That is how the so-called "Christian" Conservative Right has moved more and more into accommodating the Liberal-socialist Left in a most compromising manner over the years.

    The morality—once based upon biblical standards of righteousness—underlying the stance of the one-time Conservative, some-time Christian Right, on societal issues across the board has been "relative-ized" by conformity to—by way of Hegelian synthesis—the Liberal-socialist perversions of concepts they have re-defined such as pluralism, "political correctness," diversity, tolerance, etc....

    Fox News’ profession of being 'Fair and Balanced' as well as former leader of the Republican Party of Louisiana, Jeff Crouere, who advertises his ‘Ringside Politics with a Punch’ AM radio talk-show, (WGSO 990 AM, New Orleans, LA), with the same motto of being ‘Fair and Balanced’ is nothing less than an ideological capitulation to the Liberal-socialist’s religion’s broad spectrum of perverted concepts such as “unity,” multi-culturalism, pluralism, diversity, etcetera …, all united in a diabolical coalition like some kind of Frankenstein’s monster-like ideological construction assembled under the indefensible banner of "political correctness" and the religion of Liberalism’s perversion of the concept of tolerance to mean tolerating anything but absolute truth and the Lord Jesus Christ or His Followers.

    The religion of Liberalism’s Frankenstein-like monstrosity is nothing less than a demonically inspired ideological composition that is a counterfeit to the Body of Christ and true Christian unity.

    ‘How could this have occurred?’ One might ask. Because one does not have the protection of the Holy Spirit from being deluded by the Deceiver if he has not been spiritually born from above. The un-regenerate are open to deception by the Evil One.

    The vast majority of Republicans and a great many once doctrinally sound Christian denominations that are now apostate have been slowly compromised by Hegelian synthesis—the original modus operandi of Satan in the Garden of Eden—into accommodating the religion of Liberalism’s myriad perverted ideological concepts—religious doctrines and tenets—under the banner of “political correctness.”

  3. Man! Honest to god! You people ARE the most disgsuting human being in history. You racists give the KKK and the Nazis a run of their money! Using God's name to promote your racist rants, and your racist bigoted black-hating agenda shows what disgsuting scumbags you are!

    President Obama is correct, our leaders should not spend their time moving from an economic or fiscal crisis to another. It almost seems as what now passes for governance is limited to dealing with the fabricated crisis of the month. This latest "crisis" was precipitated by the GOP insistence on spending reductions as a condition to agree to raise the debt ceiling two years ago. I guess we should be thankful they did not do the same when the debt ceiling was raised 18 times when Ronald the Merciful was in office, or when it was raised 7 times while W the Puppet was chopping wood in Crawford.

    if President Obama is a DO NOTHING, why are people like you constantly criticizing everything he does? He hs proposed more legislation and achieved more goals in four years than his predecessor did in eight, with a Republican controlled Congress during his first six years in office. President Obama's record, in spite of all the obstructionism and demonization, is among the best in modern history. That's one of the reasons people like you hate his guts, but the main reason is because He is black!

    Racist! Racist! Azzhole!
    What's the story exactly? This is the same stuff that the SEIU and other 'community organizing' organizations do. What's the surprise?
    Why? Does the President lose his 1st Amendment rights when he takes the oath of office? Otherwise, the man can endorse anything he wants. This is America.

    And stop with the communist nonsense. Obama is not even close to what many would consider a communist. Please read up on the definition.
    Is Barack Obama an Evil Man? NO
    Is Barack Obama destroying America? NO
    Is Barack Obama a usurper? NO
    Is Barack Obama a traitor? NO
    Is Barack Obama a Marxist? NO
    Is Barack Obama a Communist? NO
    Is Barack Obama a Liar? NO
    Does Barack Obama hate America?I don't think so
    Is Barack Obama a fraud? NO
    Were these questions trite and idiotic?

    Comparing Obama to Hitler in any way is ridiculous, disgusting and ignorant. Crawl into a hole, you troll!

    As expected, The the racists (not patriots) have a problem with Mrs. Obama, in a silver dress by designer Naaem Khan, was as glamorous as any of the women who walked the red carpet, only racists don't agree with this!

    The cameras and crew were most likely paid for by the show's producers. Taxpayers may have footed the bill for a meal for the service men and women in attendance, maybe some overtime for those same people. Are you so miserly that you'd begrudge an evening at the White House for those service men and women? What in blazes is wrong with you? Is your hatred for the Obamas that deep that such an irrational criticism seems logical? Your continued reference to the FLOTUS as "Moochelle" shows a lack of character as well as a diminished intellect.

    I find it funny that everyone forgets that Laura Bush was part of the Oscars in 2002, and Ronald Reagan was a part of the Oscars in 1981. I don’t remember there being this much made of them....oh wait they were White so it doesn't matter!

    Do you want an angry gunman killing everyone you love with military grade weapons? I thought not. He is right.
    You racists ONLY want to be impeach him because he's black! Admit it! He;s done nothing worth being impeached!

    Looks Like calling a the President a fraud and a POS seems to be the calling card for racists and bigots like you!

    1. Did not the liberals compare Bush to Hitler? Yes they did. What has obummer acomplished that is good for this country? Free Healthcare? Nothings free. Indefinite detention without trial of us citizens? How is that good? Gun control? Do you really think criminals are going to obey that?

      Is Obama destroying the USA? Record poverty, record dept, record unemployment.

      Is Obummer a fraud? Yes, Proove he isnt if you can. You will be the first one to do so.
