Zev Porat

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Report - Obama’s CDC has stackable coffins ready

FEMA clearly is fast becoming the Obama administration’s secret in-country military operations that is scaring citizens out of their wits.  A video narrated by Dale Bohannanhas popped up online with photos of what first appear to be porta-potties.  But on closer inspection, the black plastic containers are what the narrator reveals to be as many as 125,000 outsized casket liners that are in no way there to service the needs of live American citizens!
Bohannan drove down a newly cut road through a soybean field in Madison, Georgia and spoke with the field’s owner, who told him the Center for Disease Control (CDC) owned these coffin liners and was leasing his land for their storage!   “These are cremation containers for multiple bodies–patent # 5,425,163–burnable, (and) generate very little pollution.  They are multi-use cremation containers,” says an unidentified commenter to this video.  Further information claims that the lids have been modified so they could be STACKED easily because “Americans can withstand the notion of many bodies being thrown into these coffins far better than they could the sight of bulldozers tossing bodies in big holes as was seen after the large tsunami overseas.”
Images of these black, disposable coffins cement in the minds of many Americans the notion that our government is not to be trusted and that our government is not really looking out for us, but rather is looking out for the higher ups, the politicians, and the elites in Washington, D.C.

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