Zev Porat

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Before It's News Contributor listens to Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups - says "These Are The End-Times. Video. Sheriff Joe Arpaio In Cliffhanger Of Apocalypse Reaches Out To Obamas Cousin For Obamas Father’s Information"

These Are The End-Times. Video. Sheriff Joe Arpaio In Cliffhanger Of Apocalypse Reaches Out To Obamas Cousin For Obamas Father’s Information


  1. Dear PPSimmons,
    This person calling themselves “Linda Joy Adams” is not to be believed. When I read her story, I was curious..so I did some research online last night, and she is nuts!!!!!
    She has been posting weird stuff all over the web since at least May of last year.
    She would talk about Topeka Kansas and how Obama was born there, and then as I read more post of hers, she started talking about how Obama was from Russian royalty and his fathers name was Pope and and a member of the family had become Pope John Paul II, and one post at her linked in site, said she was talking about how Osama Bin Laden would stand at her desk and stare out the window at the World Trade Center….just crazy stuff!!!!!
    I challenge you to type in her name and search her postings….this person is certifiable loony!!!! Go check it out for yourself!
    This eligibility issue is so important to our nation, I do not want anyone to get sidetracked by the fictitious ramblings of a crazy person. Sheriff Joe has hard facts...that is what we need to bring out the truth!
    Thank you,
    And God Bless you....

    1. We're taking your findings quite seriously. If she turns out to be a distraction and a loon we'll certainly report that. Thanks!

  2. Also the BeforeItsNews.com contributor you link to there would appears to believe that is he the "Second Coming Of Jesus" in his very next posting!


    Certainly some interesting characters there!

    1. We're taking your findings quite seriously. If she/they turns out to be a distraction and a loon we'll certainly report that. Thanks!
