Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:18
So - it requires 'understanding'; the ability to 'count' the number of a man. Here's an interesting reckoning brought to our attention by a trusted contributor. It is for your consideration only. Perhaps you have your own 'understanding' on the matter.
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six". Revelation 13:16-18
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M= 13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26.
Barack: 2+1+18+1+3+11=36
Hussein: 8+21+19+19+5+9+14=95
Obama: 15+2+1+13+1=32
Add these: 36+95+32=163.
Multiply by the Beast: 163 x 666 = 108,558.
Split and Add: 108 + 558 = 666.
Barack Obama Born 4 August 1961 the 216th day of the year. 216= 6x6x6.
Here is some bonus material offered up by the same contributor.
Take note of the SEVERE occult numerology programmed by Illuminati satanists into Barack Obama's forthcoming Jerusalem visit. Just like the recent Papal Conclave it centers around the occult number "13"
Barack Obama will be present in Jerusalem on Friday 22 March 2013 = 3.22/13 (US Format) = 3.22/2013 = 3+2+2+2+0+1+3 = 13.
3.22/13 "Skull & Bones" + 13. "Skull & Bones" = 666 13 = Death.
The date set for the Papal conclave also centered entirely around the occult number "13". 3.13/13 = 03/13/2013 = 0+3+1+3+2+0+1+3 = 13. The exact time was 7:06 pm (local Roman time), which is 7+6 =13 and adds up to another 13.
The new pope was chosen exactly 13 days after Benedict resigned.
We report - you decide. But clearly, the number won't be so obvious. It requires 'understanding' and the ability to 'count'. Is the 'endtime' now?
Exegetically and hermeneutically, the "number" (arithmos) of the beast does not necessitate the use of mathematics or gammatria to "reckon" (understand) what it is. The word "arithmos" is used a total of 18 times in the NT, and aside from Rev 5:11 when John refers to the number of living beings he witnesses around the throne of God, every other time "arithmos" is used it is ALWAYS referring to a group of people every single time. This is significant because it therefore means that the Greek text is better understood as "the multitude of the beast: for it is the multitude of a man." But what man would that be? There is nothing in the text telling us that the man referred to here must be a someone alive at that specific time or an end-of-days Antichrist. Consider for a moment that "chi-xi-stigma" (often translated as "666") closely resembles the Arabic bismallah, which translates to "in the service of Allah." Now also consider the following: In order to convert to "Allah's religion" one must recite the Islamic creed, called the Shahada, by declaring, "There is no god but Allah, and MOHAMMED is the messenger of Allah." Without Christ, there can be no Christianity. Likewise, without Mohammed, there can be no Islam! In this light, does it therefore not stand to reason that "the multitude of a man" is not referring to an eschatonic Antichrist, but rather to Mohammed -- the founder and prophet of Islam -- whose teachings even today forces all those under its power to worship Allah, the god of Islam? I say yes.
ReplyDeleteIf one does not acknowledge the man Mohammed, they cannot become a Muslim. The multitude of the Beast, which is the multitude of a man, are therefore those who receive the "Mark of the Beast" upon their "foreheads" and are destined for destruction. This is the direct antithesis to the "great multitude" or Rev 7 and 14, which is the multitude of the Lamb that receives the seal of God upon their foreheads (Rev 7:3, 14:1) and are destined for redemption (cf Eph 4:30). One multitude is lost and separated from Christ forever (Rev 14:11), the other is saved and received unto Christ (Rev 7:15-17, 19:6-9, 22:2-5) to be with Him always. Think about it.
Did you all know, I was playing around with the name in both English and Arabic, and then I realized one thing, they both add up to 163? I thought that was interesting, what a coincidence! What are the chances in two languages, which are completely different?
ReplyDelete(I don't know if it will show up in Arabic on your end, probably not, but I have transliterated and added it up for you below. You can google an Arabic chart and see for yourselves, providing that the chart starts Alef=1 and Yeh=28 as this is proper.)
باراك حسين أوباما
(In Arabic, right to left, on my pc at least, cause it is setup for AR, yours might display this backwards)
(Barack=36) ب Beh=2 - ا Alef=1 - ر Re=10 - ا Alef=1 - ك Kaf=22
(Hussein=71) حHeh=6 - س Seen=12 - ي Yeh=28 - ن Noun=25
(Obama=56) اAlef=1 - و Wow=27 - ب Beh=2 - اAlef=1 - مMeem=24 - اAlef=1
I first added them up in both languages, since I am Arabic after all, and realized they were the same in total. I was amazed, but didn't think anything of 163. Then, I decided to search online to see if there was something new out there, and voilà, the first website I explore, it was 163! Pretty interesting huh? So I didn't know what to do with this number but someone else did!