Zev Porat

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson Crushes the Indefensible Narrative of the Liberal-Socialist, Collectivist, ‘Regressive,’ Democratic Left.

By Chris Farrell

As Star Parker says in her Op-ed column on Word Net Daily, "Liberals never take on what black conservatives actually say, because they can't. So the attacks become personal." ('Why the Left Attacks Ben Carson,' by Star Parker. April 12, 2013. Wnd.com.)

Some rising stars within the Republican Party have learned to simply shrink away from drawing the Liberal fire upon themselves.

Take for example the self-proclaimed defender of the Constitution Alan West. On the one hand, Mr. West said, "One of the most gruesome stories of human rights abuse in our country is being ignored by the mainstream media…, But of course, none of the facts surrounding [the Gosnell murder trial] fit the Liberal narrative. We the People still have the power to get the truth out there."

While on the other hand, Mister West has effectively said if one summarizes his response to Pastor Carl Gallups, lead detective of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold Case Posse Mike Zullo, and all Americans fighting for their constitutional right of redress of grievance—said grievance being the criminal usurpation of the presidency by a constitutionally ineligible individual who fraudulently represented himself as eligible to be president while knowingly not so—what amounts to, in my words not his, the following:
'One of the most horrendous stories of constitutional abuse is being ignored by the mainstream media and myself, but of course none of the facts surrounding Mister Barack Obama's criminal usurpation of the presidency and his presentation to the American people of numerous fraudulent documents in a cover-up of unparalleled magnitude fit the narrative I wish to create in order to portray myself as not belonging to the group which the Liberal-socialists have successfully labeled derogatorily as "Birthers" so as not to hinder the advancement of my political career.

Though 'We the People' have the power to get the truth out there, I wouldn't want to undermine my own political aspirations by actually standing up against the criminal usurpation of the presidency and defending the Constitution when the elitist faction leadership within both major political parties, judges across America, and the mainstream media have made it clear that they have decided to sweep the issue under the rug.'

Ms. Parker points out that "Ben Carson is the biggest threat to Liberals since Bill Cosby got out of line at a NAACP banquet in Washington, D.C., in 2004. Cosby had the temerity to deliver tough, critical talk about what too many blacks are doing with the freedom civil rights activists of the 1960s fought to achieve."
But Mr. Cosby's words at that event were drowned out by louder speaking actions for which he is infamous.
Bill Cosby stood up at the banquet and identified rightly that there is a problem in the African American community. Ms. Parker writes that Mr. "Cosby attributed the chaos to breakdown in values, family and personal responsibility."
Keep in mind that this is the same Bill Cosby who some years earlier we learned was being blackmailed by an illegitimate child he and a prostitute had conceived many years before, and he had kept his wife, his life-partner, the love of his life, in the dark about his infidelity for all those years.
This is the same pontificating psychologist who stood up and tried to tell the rest of the African American community that they had a collective 'breakdown in family values and personal responsibility' at the Washington banquet. Dr. Cosby 'doth protest too much.' He is clearly not the doctor to be offering advice. The phrase 'the blind leading the blind' comes to mind. His morality is founded upon Secular-humanist Jello-pudding-like relativism and 'the proof is in the pudding.' Some might offer the words to Mr. Cosby to 'Practice what you preach.'

Mr. Cosby's illegitimate child might too feel differently about his definition of responsibility than any definition proffered by the good doctor.

You see, men like Bill Cosby can only offer their Secular-humanist ideas of how to fix the problems within a society. Inevitably their advice always amounts to one thing and one thing only: throw more tax payer's money at the problem; that's right, $ub$idize it!

America has the largest percentage of her population incarcerated than any other civilization in recorded human history, yet the Liberal-socialist Collectivists, the "Regressive" Democrats, want more money for more prisons; higher conviction rates from our District Attorneys; longer sentences; more zones for this and zones prohibiting that; larger budgets for police departments; and more law enforcement agencies created—BUT IT'S NOT WORKING, IT HASN'T WORKED, AND SOMEONE HAS GOT TO GET IT THROUGH TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK. Enough is enough!

If you listen carefully to the Liberal-socialist "Regressives," they NEVER offer a plan to solve any problems; all they ever offer are empty reactions to the problems that they are in large part responsible for creating—reactions which solve nothing.

America needs to stop subsidizing the conveyor belt production line of illegitimate, effectively fatherless children conceived outside the covenant of marriage, that leads directly into our prison system. 78-80% of those incarcerated in America are effectively FATHERLESS. 'Hello Houston, We have a problem!'

No more checks to 'Baby Mamas.' No more free hospital care for pregnant women. No free housing. Let the natural law of choices and consequences bring down the number of illegitimate babies that we either murder in abortion or end up locking away in cages because, brought up without a mother AND a father (Baby Daddy and Baby Mother are a poor excuse for parents), they all too often wind up behaving like animals within our society. No more increase in tax returns based upon how many illegitimate children a woman has by God only knows how many different 'Baby Daddies.'

It doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes a mother and a father. Wonderfully successful exceptions to the rule do occur—take Dr. Carson for example—but in general when a society looks for a village to raise its children it winds up with a great many village idiots from whom the society needs to protect itself.

The American experiment in government of the people's only hope for survival is a return to biblical principles of righteousness. Jesus is the Answer.

Dr. Ben Carson for president with Dr. Terry Lee Lakin for vice-president would be a good place to start. America is sick. Not just the Americans of higher levels of melanin in their skin who may or may not be able to trace their ancestry back to Africa—our country needs spiritual healing—the healing that comes only from God through godly men.

Children need—deserve—a mother and a father. It is socially irresponsible to fail to acknowledge that simple indisputable fact.

Dr. Carson/Dr. Lakin 2016. America Needs Healing. My name is Chris Farrell and I approve this message.

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