Zev Porat

Friday, April 5, 2013

EXCREMENT ALERT! Obama says he ‘Felt The Spirit Of Jesus Christ’ in Israel? HARDLY!

President Barack Obama says he "felt the spirit of Jesus Christ" on a recent visit to Israel and it made this Easter particularly special for him. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)
By Mike Shoesmith

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he “felt the spirit of Jesus Christ” on a recent visit to Israel and it made this Easter particularly special for him.
Obama told Christian leaders attending a breakfast in the White House East Room on Friday that the feeling brought him closer to Christ. (read more)
We call 'bull excrement' on this one. The only 'feeling' a child-killing sodomite would get in the presence of the actual spirit of Jesus Christ is the overwhelming drive to kill one's self (Matthew 18:6). It would be a sense of terrible depravity and a knowing that your decisions have negatively affected every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth.
Obama's policies are single-handedly responsible for desolating the world's economies and lighting much of the globe on fire with riots and discontent. Jesus' followers are beheaded daily in countries they were once protected. People are being rewarded for such sloth the likes of which has never been witnessed before. 
No, if you, Barack Obama, had actually felt the presence of the spirit of Jesus Christ in Israel you would have returned to America a new, born again man... or in a casket.
The day of reckoning is coming however. A day when you will answer for your crimes against humanity, and against Jesus Christ himself.
Psalms 106:37  Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils,38  And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.39  Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.


  1. I do believe that Obama is the antichrist, I am a Christian, and honestly I really don't trust him or the govt. Because they are all devil worshipping blasphemous devil's. Their demons all working for Obama(Antichrist). Their fools, buy I know Jesus Christ my Lord and savior will defile all of those who oppose him, all praise to the One And Only Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ he died on the cross for all his children. And he will end the end have his day of glory. So to the devilish people out their I will never bow down to a man. I will bow down to the Lord, Jesus Christ, I will not take the mark and I will always have faith in the Lord of all Lords, and King of all Kings, Jesus Christ. And I will always defend him and I will only serve Jesus.

  2. I believe Obama is the Antichrist. I don't like him. I'm a Christian, I've been doing some studing. But most of all I think the whole government is evil. Their all working for Obama(Antichrist)I will not take the mark. And I only bow down to Jesus and I have yet to meet him, but then and only then will I bow.Lord Jesus the alpha and omega the beginning and the end.I'll pray for all tonight. Lord Jesus help us.
