Saturday, April 27, 2013

LDS Church Endorses Boy Scouts' Proposal on Accepting Gay Members

LDS Church Criticized for Endorsing Boy Scouts' Proposal on Accepting Gay Members

boy scouts

By Anugrah Kumar , Christian Post Contributor
April 27, 2013|12:34 pm

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is the nation's largest sponsor of the Boy Scouts of America, is being criticized for endorsing a BSA proposal that would allow gay youths to join local troops while continuing to exclude gay leaders.

"While the church has not launched any campaign either to effect (sic) or prevent a policy change, we have followed the discussion and are satisfied that BSA has made a thoughtful, good-faith effort to address issues that, as they have said, remain 'among the most complex and challenging issues facing the BSA and society today,'" said a statement by the church.

The BSA has been considering a change to its current ban on open homosexuals. It released a proposal earlier this month that states: "No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone." While allowing gay members, the Scouts would at the same time maintain its gay ban when it comes to leadership. The BSA's National Council is scheduled to vote on changing its membership policy on May 23.

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