Saturday, April 27, 2013

Satan, Fraud, Felonies, and Conspiracies! The legacy of the Obama Presidency! Mike Shoesmith and Carl Gallups on Freedom Friday!

Mike Shoesmith interviewing Terry Jones
supporter in front of Mega-mosque in
Dearborn Michigan
In this two part Freedom Friday segment Mike Shoesmith and Carl Gallups discuss the link between George Bush, 911, and the Boston bombing. They also discuss the Obama speech at Planned Parenthood where, essentially, he claimed Satan as his personal 'god.'

In part two Mike gives a synopsis of the ruling by an Indiana judge that the Democrat party fraudulently placed Barack Obama on the ballot. Felony conspiracy verdicts - guilty on all counts!

Don't miss a minute of this great show!

2013-04-27Carl Gallups
2013-04-27Carl Gallups

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