Zev Porat

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mister Obama: A National Security Risk Who Imperils Our Freedom, Yet Our Leaders Cover Their Eyes Like Oblivious Monkeys by Chris Farrell

By Chris Farrell

Political analyst Dick Morris said on his 'Lunch Alert' broadcast on Dick Morris TV, "People have always been suspicious that Obama would cancel elections."

"Now for the first time he really has taken a step that imperils our freedom.

He took it over Easter. On Easter weekend he signed an Executive Order creating a presidential commission on elections where he gets to appoint all of the members; and the commission is charged with finding ways to increase voter turnout; decrease waiting times at polls; make voting more efficient; promote early voting—and so forth."

"It's entirely designed to try and increase the democratic turnout."

"The whole guise of making voting more efficient and reducing waiting times is all an effort to eliminate voter identifications and the secret ballot and to win elections by voter fraud.

Not a single state with a photo ID law was carried by Obama in 2012—not one—and the Democrats are using voter fraud where they're attempting to sign-up and get people to cast their ballots when they're not registered, in many cases they're not even citizens; in some cases they're not even here legally!

And our big check and balance has always been that voting is a prerogative of the states. The states decide who will vote. The states decide how the voting will take place…, and everything about it. Even for federal offices the states have broad jurisdiction in deciding who's eligible to vote and all kinds of matters like that.

Now what Obama is doing is trying to federalize elections. Republicans control the vast majority of state governments, and what he's trying to do is to put it all into the power of the federal government.

And under the guise of more efficiency and less waiting on line—and people shouldn't have to wait three hours on line to vote—he's attempting to implement stuff that will short circuit the efforts to identify voters and permit large numbers of illegal voters to cast ballots.

I've been very critical of Obama in these videos in case you haven't noticed, but I've never felt that he actually is going at the fabric of our democracy, and I think in this Executive Order he is; and I think he knows he is, and that's why he issued it over Easter Sunday… so nobody would be paying any attention."

"So listen, don't let him get away with it. Sign the attached petition to stop him from federalizing elections; to repeal this commission that he's set up; and to leave elections where they belong: in the hands of the states." (dickmorris.com.)

The most energetic round of applause at CPAC was to Sarah Palin's suggestion that perhaps we should have done a background check on the criminal usurper illegally occupying the presidency, Barack Obama—or whatever his legal name should one day be proven to be.

Despite the overwhelming majority within the Republican Party who want Mister Obama's background investigated along with the documents that the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa presented to the American people as purported evidence of his constitutional eligibility to be president, the Republican 'elitist faction' will have nothing to do with pursuing the issue. Even supposed conservative defenders of the Constitution like Colonel (Ret.) Allen West have openly stated that they are ignoring the issue on account of their personal political aspirations.

And so the American people's constitutional right to redress of grievance continues to be disregarded by the leadership within the Republican Party as the egregious contravention of the Constitution that is Mister Obama's criminal usurpation of the presidency continues on as well.

Despite Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lengthy investigation conducted by his volunteer Cold Case Posse commanded by Lieutenant Mike Zullo which arrived at the incontrovertible conclusion that Mister Obama's purported birth certificate is nothing more than a not-so-cleverly conceived electronic file—an irrefutable, undeniable computer generated forgery, our elected representatives in Congress who have taken an oath of office to protect the Constitution will do nothing.

Judges across the country—for example Judge Malihi in Georgia and Judge Terry Lewis in Florida just to name two—have rendered shockingly indefensible, politically motivated rulings that amount to nothing less than an injurious insult to the American experiment in government of the people.

Though American Patriots remain hopeful that justice will prevail, after having witnessed the audacious rulings from courtrooms across the country we have little hope that—even if the Cold Case Posse's evidence is permitted to be entered into evidence along with the irrefutable evidence that Mister Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah/Bounel publicized himself through his own private literary agent for over 16 years as having been born in what we now call Kenya—that any action will be taken by a Congress that is collectively too scared to wind up like so many US Navy Seals who supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden, or like investigative journalist Andrew Breitbart who too died under most suspicious circumstances, or they are too well paid and concerned more with their own political aspirations than they are with honoring their oath to defend the Constitution.

Where does that leave those of us who would stand up and defend the Constitution and the American experiment in government of the people?

Pastor Carl Gallups of PPSIMMONS.com assures his readers that high profile individuals with whom he and Lead Detective of the Cold Case Posse Mike Zullo spoke with at CPAC will soon be coming forward with demands for an investigation of Obama's crimes of incomparable magnitude and unparalleled gravity.

Let us pray that Attorney Larry Klayman gets his day in court. The new chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court is the old 'Ten Commandments' Judge—Judge Roy Moore. At the very least, if Atty. Klayman gets his day in Judge Roy Moore's court then the mountains of evidence that Mister Barack Obama fraudulently represented himself as constitutionally eligible to be president when he was knowingly not so will be entered into evidence.

As Mister Obama was in the commission of a crime when he fraudulently represented himself as eligible to campaign for office, his two illegal—unconstitutional—elections must be retroactively ABROGATED as having taken place while in the commission of a crime; so too his two illegal appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court.

If Judge Moore rules as Patriots suspect that he will and the case goes before the U.S. Supreme Court and Justices Kagan and Sotomayor refuse to recuse themselves from any participation involving the case, then American Patriots have exhausted all but one peaceful means of redressing the criminal usurpation of the presidency by an ineligible fraud who was indoctrinated into Islam during 6-8 of his formative young years when he lived in Indonesia and was subjected to Islamic indoctrination within the Muslim Madras system of religious cult indoctrination.

For reasons of National Security our nation's leaders must recognize that Islam has an age-old practice of taqqiya—an infiltration tactic—wherein an adherent of Islam feigns to be of the same cultural stock as those within a society under siege. Former US Army battalion staff intelligence officer Captain (Ret.) Pamela Barnett elaborates upon the national security risk that Mister Obama represents in her 2012 copyrighted book 'Obama Never Vetted: The Unlawful President—The National Security Loopholes and Ensuing Conspiracy That Endanger America.'

Mister Obama represents an immense threat to the national security of the United States and her allies. Perhaps the man-portable anti-aircraft rockets that Mister Obama is providing to his Muslim 'Brothers from the Hood' have opened the readers eyes to this fact…, or was it the F-16 Jihadist-Jets and 200 M1-Abrams Main Battle tanks that Barack 'King Hussein' Obama has provided to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

The Last Resort Before Americans May Be Forced To Take Up Arms Against Their Own Government:

If the next legal sitting president would order, as a legitimate commander-in-chief, a Military Tribunal to investigate the forged documents and the larger conspiracy to contravene the Constitution—even re-opening the case of Lieutenant Colonel, now Doctor, Terry Lee Lakin who was Court Martialed and sentenced to Ft. Leavenworth military prison for requesting authentication—as was his duty congruent with the officer's oath he had taken to serve—that his purported "commander-in-chief" Barack Obama did in fact legally occupy said position; and re-instating the brilliant surgeon with full back pay and restoration of his honor as a Lt. Col. in the US Army—then all those complicit in the most sinister crime committed against the American people—for our government is 'of the people, by the people, and for the people'—and against the Constitution of the United States of America could be brought to justice and 'We the People' could restore honor to the office of the president.

What Can We Do To See That The Next President Does Precisely What Is Necessary?

At every turn in the 2014 elections we must demand a response from prospective congressional candidates to the following question:

'If you are elected to Congress will you support the next legal sitting president should he or she order a military tribunal and/or a Congressional Committee to investigate within its 'informing function' the apparent criminal usurpation of the presidency by a constitutionally ineligible candidate who perpetrated fraud against 'We the People' and our Constitution when he presented a multitude of forged documents in a cover-up that dwarfs the Watergate scandal in comparison?

Similarly, in 2016, at every stop that any Republican or Independent, or Libertarian, or Constitution Party candidate stops, we must demand of any presidential hopeful that they answer—not evade—the following questions:

A: 'If elected president will you sign and Executive Order for a Congressional Committee to investigate within Congress' 'informing function,' or in your capacity as commander-in-chief order a Military Tribunal to investigate—in order to address the grievance that the majority of those within the Republican Party have expressed for these last eight years and continue to express—the criminal usurpation of the presidency by an ineligible candidate who fraudulently represented himself in two presidential elections as constitutionally eligible to be president while knowingly not so?

B: And if the investigation by a Congressional Committee and/or Military Tribunal should determine that a conspiracy to contravene the Constitution has transpired and that Mister Obama, or whatever his legal name should be, did criminally usurp the office of the president, will you, by Executive Order and/or military order RETROACTIVELY ABROGATE the two unconstitutional elections of the fraud and impostor, Mister Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., a.k.a. Harrison J. Bounel, a.k.a. Soebarkah and RETROACTIVELY ABROGATE everything that he accomplished while in the commission of his crimes against America?'

The only way in which we might be able to right this horrendous miscarriage of justice—this mockery of the American experiment in government of the people—may be to elect a constitutionally eligible president who will give his word and follow through, honoring the oath he would necessarily take when swearing-in to office to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America,' by RETROACTIVELY ABROGATING THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION OF AN IMPOSTOR TO THE PRESIDENCY.

Chris Farrell

1 comment:

  1. The truth is coming out and this fraud and usurper barack hussein obama will be remove from office and tried as an enemy of the United States . The DNC though they could getaway with putting this illegal Alien barack hussein obama in the highest office in the land but they did not count on more then half of the American people believing in the US Constitution and the rule of law .
