Zev Porat

Thursday, April 4, 2013

PPSIMMONS OP-ED EXCLUSIVE! Obama’s Criminal Usurpation of the Presidency Is a Direct Attack upon Our Country and the American Way of Life by Our Enemy Islam

By Chris Farrell

Many Americans who will stand and defend the Constitution with their lives believe that ‘We the People’ must now retro-actively abrogate—effectively annul—the illegal elections of the fraud who has committed the most sinister crime against the American experiment in government of the people and our Constitution in our country's history: The criminal usurpation of the presidency by a constitutionally ineligible fraud—and worse, a fraud who was indoctrinated into the murderous teachings of the cult of Islam during 6-8 of his formative young years wherein he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination in a Muslim Madras program in Indonesia.

Any rational person with knowledge of the Islamic tactic of taqqiya must recognize that what we have here is an enemy agent of Islam practicing the deceptive Islamic tactic of taqqiya—a tactic wherein an adherent of Islam fraudulently represents himself as homogenous with the members of a society under siege in order to advance the agenda of Islam from within said society under siege.

America is in the first stage of Islamic domination: the infiltration stage; and Obama has achieved the inconceivable: the single greatest achievement of a Muslim in Islam’s 1400 year history: the usurpation of the presidency of the most powerful nation in human history. 

(And all the Muslims in Obama’s “Brotherhood” screamed “AAALLLLAAAAHHUUAAAAHHHKKBBBBAAAAAARRRR!)

Let us not forget that “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet Mohammed!”

The threat to the national security of the United States that any person indoctrinated into the murderous cult of Islam during his formative young years represents—when Islam has an historic practice known as taqqiya wherein Muslims feign to be of the same cultural clothe as those within a society under siege while they pursue positioning within said culture in order to advance the agenda of Islam during the infiltration stage of Islamic domination over a society—must not be overlooked by America's military and political leadership, nor her ecclesiastical leaders, judicial appointees, leaders of industry, academic leadership, nor leadership or even lay persons throughout Western Civilization, for Islam advances upon a multi-faceted strategy of Jihad within all dimensions of society.

Militant jihad—Muslims attacking with weapons—is only the most obvious, overt jihad.

The multitudinous covert jihads that take place as Islam metastasizes like a cancer within a society must no longer be ignored. Obama’s criminal usurpation of the presidency must be addressed. Islam must be stopped. Obama must be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. Taqqiya appears to have studied the Trojan horse story.
