Friday, April 26, 2013

Richard Dawkins Named 'World's Top Thinker' in Global Poll

PPSIMMONS:  Richard Dawkins is an embarrassment to humanity. He actually thinks that all of the 13 million life forms complete with their systems, subsystems, sub-subsystems, and practically irreducible complexity originated from non-life! From sludge to man. He actually believes that man is a descendent from a sponge! Read his books. In an attempt to explain the possibility of intelligence behind the earth's life forms (as the REAL evidence suggests) Dawkins says it could have been done by "aliens." World's greatest thinker? We are blushing with embarrassment for Dawkins.  This brings to mind a Bible verse "Professing to be wise, they became fools." Romans 1.


Dawkins recently posted on  his active Twitter account  that unborn children are "less human" than pigs.

The atheist author and his team attempted to argue that religion has no place in the 21st Century, while Williams and his team argued the opposite. In front of an audience of over 800 people, Dawkins lost the debate by 324 to 136 votes.

 Recently proposed a  Summer Camp for children to teach them atheism.

British atheist, ethnologist and biologist Richard Dawkins.

By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter

Famous atheist author Richard Dawkins has been named the world's top thinker in a global vote that counted 10,000 voices from over 100 countries.

"When Richard Dawkins, the Oxford evolutionary biologist, coined the term 'meme' in The Selfish Gene 37 years ago, he can't have anticipated its current popularity as a word to describe internet fads," said Prospect Magazine, which conducted the poll, in explaining the biologist professor's popularity.
"But this is only one of the ways in which he thrives as an intellectual in the internet age. He is also prolific on Twitter, with more than half a million followers – and his success in this poll attests to his popularity online. He uses this platform to attack his old foe, religion, and to promote science and rationalism."
The author of The God Delusion is one of the leaders of the New Atheist movement, and has based his career on trying to show how life and the universe can be explained entirely by secular science, rejecting all supernatural explanations.

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