Friday, April 26, 2013

The Fossil Fuel Fable - A condensation of the book ‘The Great Oil Conspiracy–How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People,’ with permission from the author, Jerome Corsi, PhD. By Chris Farrell

A condensation of the book 'The Great Oil Conspiracy–How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People,' with permission from the author, Jerome Corsi, PhD.

By Chris Farrell


          From time immemorial those of us alive today have been taught that oil reserves within the Earth originated in the decay of carbon based life forms, plants and animals such as extinct dinosaurs.


          In his book 'The Great Oil Conspiracy–How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People,' Dr. Jerome Corsi challenges that ingrained teaching with evidence that the "Nazi scientists understood the fundamental chemical equations that explain how hydrocarbon fuels are produced without the assistance of any dead and decomposing living organism." (Corsi, p. ix.)


          Following WWII, American, Canadian, British and Russian intelligence personnel scrambled to investigate German industrial operations and carried many Nazi scientists out of Germany to their respective countries in order to glean from them useful scientific advances achieved under the Third Reich, as well as to prevent them from providing the same knowledge and assistance unto their tentatively aligned allies. Stories of German rocket scientists and physicists brought to America contributing to the first atomic bomb exploded at Los Alamos, New Mexico, as well as to tremendous advances in jet propulsion are a matter of historical fact.


          What is less known is that '…German scientists had cracked the chemical code unlocking the secrets of how petroleum products are formed. Starting in the early part of the twentieth century, German chemists developed the formulas necessary to produce synthetic oil. While the goal was to make gasoline, diesel fuel, and aviation fuel from Germany's abundant coal supply, the equations in what came to be known as the "Fisher-Tropsch" process explained the origin of oil as a naturally occurring phenomenon in which hydrogen and carbon bond,…" (Corsi, pp. 2-3.)


          "The solution came in the 1920s in Berlin, when two German chemists, Franz Fischer (1877-1947) and Hans Tropsch (1889-1935), developed a series of equations that became known as the "Fischer-Tropsch Process," defining a methodology for producing synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel from coal." (Corsi, p. 4.)


          The scientific breakthrough which permitted the extraction of synthetic fuel from coal was more than mere theory. "When Hitler attacked Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, Nazi Germany had fourteen synthetic fuel plants in full operation…" "…producing approximately 95 percent of the aviation fuel used by the Luftwaffe." (Corsi, p. 4.)

                    (AP1940) German dive bomber Junkers Ju87 Stuka


Among the German scientists brought to the United States after the war was Franz Fischer's one time research assistant Helmut Pichler. Working with an American company, "…Hydrocarbon Research Inc.,…" "…he helped construct a commercial Fischer-Tropsch plant in Brownsville, Texas." (Corsi, p. 9.)


          America has had synthetic fuel plants in operation. "In 1949, the Bureau of Mines opened a synthetic fuels demonstration plant in Louisiana, Missouri,…." (Corsi, p. 15.) "From 1950 to 1952, Hydrocarbon Research Inc. built and operated a synthetic fuel plant in Brownsville, Texas." (Corsi, p. 15.) But at that time it was not economically practical to make the synthetic products because it was simply much less expensive to use the then readily available naturally produced crude oil and natural gas.


          "By the 1960s, the US government interest in synthetic fuels was largely academic." (Corsi, p. 16.) "As a result of the public policy emphasis on utilizing abundant "fossil fuel" resources, the Nazis' petroleum secrets languished." (Corsi, p. 17.)


          "…even today , countless thousands of pages of Fischer-Tropsch scientific studies confiscated from Germany at the end of World War II lie deteriorating, never translated, in aging and neglected paper and microfilm archives." (Corsi, p. 17.)


          "Today, few Americans know anything about the World War II achievements of the Nazis in developing synthetic fuel." (Corsi, p. 18.)


          The age-old fossil fuel narrative absurdly persists. Some scientists cling to traditional beliefs regarding the origin of oil despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, just as many still cling to the indefensible, religiously dogmatic teaching of Darwinian Evolution.

Could all of Earth's hydrocarbon reserves have come from carbon based life forms?


"Decades after the end of World War II, US petro-scientists and petro-geologists remain locked in the vision that the only productive petroleum science and geology derives from an understanding that oil and natural gas are biologically produced "fossil fuels." Rather than study the Fischer-Tropsch equations to unravel the code of how hydrocarbons are produced, US petro-scientists and petro-geologists are happy to relegate those Nazi documents to obscurity because they consider synthetic oil production a waste of time." (Corsi, p. 19.)


          "Nazi synthetic oil secrets remain hidden from the public view because that's exactly the way US oil companies and the US government want it. The true secret of Nazi synthetic oil has nothing to do with liquefying coal." (Corsi, p. 19.)


        The German scientists had not simply discovered a way to manufacture fuel from coal, "The Fischer-Tropsch equations reveal the formulas through which compounds including hydrogen and compounds including carbon, in the presence of a catalyst such as iron ore or cobalt, could form hydrocarbon chains under conditions of extreme heat and pressure known to exist in the mantle of the earth." (Corsi, p. 20.) "Revisiting the Fischer-Tropsch equations today is important not specifically to develop synthetic fuel, but to present a direct challenge to the fossil fuel theory of the origin of oil." (Corsi, p. 20.) The fossil fuel fable that we have been fed for generations has been proven fallacious—an insupportable hypothesis; a cleverly constructed fable; a lie.


          "Beginning in 1940, Stalin commissioned a scientific examination into every aspect of petroleum, including how it is created, why reserves are formed, and how the oil can best be discovered and extracted from the earth." (Corsi, p. 22.) "By 1951, Professor Nikolai Kudryavtsey articulated what today has become known as the Russian-Ukrainian Theory of Deep, Abiotic Petroleum Origins." (Corsi, p. 23; Corsi, 2012.)


          It has been many years since reputable scientists around the world have understood that the origin of oil is abiotic in nature, "In other words, oil did not come from once-alive, "biotic" material of ancient plants and animals. Instead, the Soviet scientists concluded that the chemical processes by which hydrocarbons were produced were a natural product of the earth itself, manufactured at deep levels where there never were any plants or animals." (Corsi, p. 23.)


          ""Astronomical techniques have thus produced clear and indisputable evidence that hydrocarbons are a major constituent of bodies great and small within our solar system (and beyond)."24


          In other words, hydrocarbons are not "organic chemicals" resulting from life processes on earth," (Corsi, p. 36.)


          Abiotic oil has been discovered elsewhere in the solar system. "NASA scientists, in conjunction with the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, have determined from a Cassini-Huygens probe that first landed on Titan on Jan. 14, 2005, that the giant moon of Saturn contains abundant methane." (Corsi, p. 38.) "Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth," (Corsi, p. 39.)


          "In 2000," the deep-sea submarine Alvin "…found a remarkable sub-marine ecosystem in the mid-Atlantic Ridge, at depths of four to five miles below the surface of the ocean. Termed the "Lost City," this hydrothermal field was living off deep-earth hydrocarbon that was venting out calcium carbonate chimneys that reached up almost 100 yards from the ocean floor." (Corsi, p. 40.)


          "Fundamentally, the concept of "fossil fuel" violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics, in which we are given to understand that energy dissipates." (Corsi, p. 44.) "Within a few decades, Americans will consider it as ridiculous to contemplate that hydrocarbon fuels were ever called "fossil fuels," as today it is considered ridiculous to imagine that the sun and planets in our solar system revolve around the earth." (Corsi, p. 45.)

"...: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.' Genesis 3:19


          In 'The Great Oil Conspiracy–How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People' Dr. Corsi examines in light—or darkness as it were—of the purported relationship between theories that A. the world is running out of oil, and B. the origin of oil is biological in nature and the geo-political/economic implications of the reality that the origins of oil are abiotic in nature and points out that "Simply put, eliminating the fear the world is running out of oil eliminates one of the key ideological underpinnings of the alternative energy movement. This is why those ideologically opposed to using hydrocarbon fuels can be expected to fight against any alternative theory that suggests oil is not a fossil fuel, organic in its origin." (Corsi, p. 49.)


          'The Great Oil Conspiracy' also introduces its audience to the support afforded the abiotic theory by present day "deep" well drilling. "A "deep" gas well is typically defined as any that produces from a depth below 15,000 feet (2.84 miles). (Corsi, p. 77.) Dr. Corsi proceeds in his book to briefly examine other forms of energy and their geo-political/economic relationships and brings often unconsidered dimensions of today's energy issue into focus.


          Most concerning to those Americans who would hope to see America resolve its energy dilemma is Dr. Corsi's exposition of the fact that "The Obama administration has openly displayed an ideological preference for green energy, despite abundant evidence that green energy technologies, including wind and solar, fail to deliver the robust energy supply the United States needs to sustain strong economic growth.


          On Dec. 1, 2010, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced a seven-year moratorium on offshore oil exploration into the Gulf of Mexico along the Atlantic Coast, as a result of the Deepwater Horizon disaster." (Corsi, p. 90.)

Deepwater Horizon offshore well disaster in April 2010


"Dr. Joseph Mason, the chair of banking at the Louisiana State University and a well-known economist, has estimated that the offshore drilling moratorium imposed by the Obama administration immediately after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill would cost the Gulf Coast a loss of 8,000 jobs and $500 million in lost wages in the first six months. "The moratorium could be more costly than the oil spill itself," Mason told reporters.82" (Corsi, pp. 90-91.)


          Dr. Corsi wraps his enlightening work with the conclusion that, "There is no reason America should be dependent upon foreign sources for oil. There is no reason we should be paying exorbitant amounts for a gallon of gasoline at the pump. Allowed to do their job without unnecessary government intervention, independent producers in conjunction with major oil companies should be able to provide Americans with an abundant supply of inexpensive energy for decades to come, especially if Americans are finally told the truth that oil and natural gas are not now and never were fossil fuels." (Corsi, p. 127.)



Corsi, Dr. J. (2012.) The Great Oil Conspiracy--How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People. New York, N.Y: Skyhorse Publishing.



"24    Ibid., p. 44." (Corsi, p. 44.)

"82    Rebecca Torrellas, "UPDATED        : Offshore drilling moratorium affects everyone,", July 19, 2020, at" (Corsi, p. 91.)

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