Zev Porat

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rubio: immigration plan not amnesty, amid conservative scrutiny

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio dismissed arguments Sunday that the Senate immigration bill offers amnesty for illegal immigrants and said border security is not the only key issue -- amid scrutiny from some fellow conservatives and the union that represents immigration enforcement agents.

Rubio told "Fox News Sunday" that anybody living illegally in the United States and attempting to get a visa would face a long list of qualifications, which includes paying taxes, a fine and an application fee as well as having a job and waiting for at least 10 years.

"That is not amnesty," said Rubio, a Cuban-American considered a key member of the so-called bipartisan Gang of Eight. "Amnesty is the forgiveness of something."

The Senate group has been working on comprehensive immigration reform since January and is expected to release the legislation Tuesday, ahead of a hearing later this week in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Rubio also argued Sunday that achieving citizenship through the new plan would be harder than under the existing plan.

 "It will be cheaper, faster and easier for people to go back home and wait 10 years than it will be to go through this process that I've outlined," Rubio told Fox.

READ MORE HERE:  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/14/rubio-immigration-plan-not-amnesty-border-security-still-trigger-for/

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