Zev Porat

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

SHOCKER! Al-Qaida's terror plans posted on Facebook

The Tunisian man arrested this week on charges of plotting to derail a Canadian train posted all the chilling details of the inner workings of  al-Qaida on his Facebook page – including numerous links to other notorious terror groups.
Chiheb Esseghaier’s Facebook page was captured by Walid Shoebat, a Palestinian former Muslim who converted to Christianity, just moments before it was deleted.

Chiheb Esseghaier's Facebook page just moments before it was deleted. (Screen capture by Walid Shoebat)

“At the top is a detailed flowchart on al-Qaida’s plans, command and control, and methodology – from leadership to cell creation,” Shoebat explained on his website. “His favorites include several links to some of the most notorious terror groups including a Facebook dedicated for the famed Abu Mus’ab Zarkawi. On that Facebook page, it gives a glimpse of the al-Qaida recruitment in the Levant (Syria).
“Esseghaier’s favorite Muslim preacher is Yaser al-Dawsari, who linked to another Facebook page under that name; it too was scrubbed minutes after our discovery.”

Shoebat explained that Al-Dawsari is an imam who works for the Saudi government and is related to Khalid al-Dawsari – an al-Qaida terrorist imprisoned for planning to assassinate President George W. Bush and plant weapons of mass destruction.

 MORE HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/al-qaidas-terror-plans-posted-on-facebook/

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