Zev Porat

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Socialized Medicine does away with bigotry - justifies making all medical records public! It is time to expose the chaos that is liberalism

By Michael D. Shoesmith

It all began in Saskatchewan. Canada's rationed healthcare system that is. The province of Saskatchewan was the first to socialize their medical system which was later promoted by the Feds for the entire country through the "HIDS Act" cost sharing (rationing) program.

The actions of people can, in many ways, be directly responsible for their state of health. When people make decisions which cause their health to deteriorate socialized medicine forces everyone to carry this burden; even those who make healthy lifestyle choices like heterosexuality and monogamy.

So it stands to reason that bigotry, an accusation leveled at those who claim a moral existential high-ground, does not apply when the cost is directly thrust upon them. Essentially, it's not bigotry if everyone has to pay for it. If I choose to act responsibly, morally and conservatively I am not a bigot when I demand accountability from those who choose to act foolishly and then expect me to bear the inevitable financial burden.

In Canada there is a giant sucking the sound of which one can almost hear coming from Toronto as the money confiscated from everyone in the form of taxation gets funneled into the GTA to cover the medication required to keep the unrestricted alive to fornicate another day. Those who live conservative lives (the facts of life are conservative) in the North land and elsewhere are forced to deal with crumbling infrastructure and ever-increasing taxation to pay for the decisions made by uneducated brainwashed liberals.

So it is with sound scientific backing and moral certitude that we demand to see the medical records of those who choose to live as though there are no consequences for unrestricted lifestyle choices. We say it is time to throw wide the file cabinets and expose the deeds for which the cost is so heavy. It is time - time to lay bare the ugly truth that is liberalism. For what economy can stomach the cost without knowing the cause? And what cause is there that can be examined and done away with that will save the multitude from bodily and financial ruin? It is time say I, time to thrust the child off the pavement and onto the boulevard to save him from total ruin in spite of the feelings which may be hurt or the bruise which is only temporary.

Like so many before me I boldly declare that liberalism, by its very definition, is a mental disorder. And the world seems more and more eager to ignore the disease because alas, the cure seems more painful than the affliction. Yet if God would stay His hand even one more generation He may have some apologizing to do for judgment against civilizations past. And God, in His infinite wisdom, shall apologize to none.


  1. Paul, perhaps you need to re-read and get a grasp on what the author is saying.

    1. It was a response to another comment from someone else who opposed the article. Of course I totally agree with the author, although I see how my comment is now confusing since the original comment was removed by the author of it.
