Zev Porat

Saturday, April 27, 2013

When is Piers Morgan 'moving back to England?'

State senator fires question gun advocates have been itching to ask

Many gun owners have grown weary of British CNN host Piers Morgan trumpeting the cause of gun control, but on the entertainer's program this week, one lawmaker had the gall to ask him, "When are you going to move back to England?"

Since the Sandy Hook massacre last year – in which Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 students and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. – Morgan has made advocating for gun-control legislation a frequent topic of his program, clashing with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich or rocker and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent, for example, and calling Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt "an unbelievably stupid man" for disagreeing with him.

Tennessee Republican State Sen. Stacey Campfield, however, gave voice to many critics who have suggested Morgan's British sensibilities fail to understand the importance of gun ownership to Americans.

Citing the recent defeat of a Senate bill introducing new gun regulations, Campfield said to Morgan, "Now that gun control has failed, Piers, I'm wondering: When are you going to move back to England? Because everyone in Tennessee is dying to know."

Morgan's response: "Yeah, well, I'm going to hang around and just see if people can't grow enough courage in this country to face the reality of your gun-violence problem.

Morgan had invited Campfield on to the show to discuss a controversial blog entry, in which the lawmaker posted a photo of a pressure cooker – such as those reportedly used in the Boston Marathon bombing – and ironically likening the ban of such cookers in the wake of the bombing to calls for banning guns in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy.

"Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left, how they push for gun control ten seconds after Sandy Hook shooting," Campfield told Morgan. "So when people go on and say, 'We have to get rid of guns, we got to push for gun control,' it's just ridiculous. It's like pushing for pressure-cooker control after the explosion.

"We're talking about an inanimate object that does nothing by itself," Campfield said of a gun. "It does absolutely nothing by itself, just like a pressure cooker does absolutely nothing by itself."

MORE: http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/04/when-is-piers-morgan-moving-back-to-england/

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